WEBDEV Concepts
Part 7: Deploying aWeb site 213 • a setup via a Docker image . This option allows you to create a Docker recipe including the site, the WEBDEV Application Server and the web server. • a setup via PC SOFT’s test hosting service : PC SOFT proposes to host your test sites. The setup is easily performed, directly from the environment. Once the site is developed, you can test it directly. A PC SOFT developer account is required to perform this type of setup. The wizard proposes to create this account if necessary. 2 Remote deployment (via HTTP or FTP) 2.1 Steps The deployment steps are as follows: 1. Installing the WEBDEV Application Server at the hosting company (optional step). For more details, see the documentation about the WEBDEV Application Server. 2. Creation of a deployment account by the hosting company. Remark: If the installation is done via FTP (optional), an FTP account is created (in the FTP server). 3. The hosting company provides the names and associated passwords as well as the name (IP address) of the server. 4. Creating the remote setup from the editor: on the "Project" tab, in the "Generation" group, expand "Deploy site" and select "Generate and deploy site". In the wizard, select "Deploy to a remote WEBDEV Application Server or to a WEBDEV Cluster". The necessary files are copied into the transfer directory. 5. On-lining the WEBDEV site. Caution: By default, a WEBDEV site is deployed remotely by HTTP. 2.2 Creating the setup In the wizard, define: 1. The information regarding the remote computer . This information must be supplied by the hosting company: • Server address (name of a computer accessible by network, IP address or Internet address). • Account (username, password and account of the OS that runs the WEBDEV sites associated with the account). • Characteristics of the FTP account if necessary (username and password). To easily identify the characteristics of the server for a forthcoming update, give a name to this server. This name will be displayed (followed by the server address) in the window for choosing the type of setup. 2. The files to install . By default, the wizard selects the library, data files, images and HTML pages. 3. Configuring the setup : Chose the type of remote setup to perform: • Immediate update : The site files are compressed and immediately transferred onto the Web server (the Web server must be accessible from the setup computer). Then, the WEBDEV site is automatically installed on the Web server. • Delayed update : The site files are compressed and immediately transferred onto the Web server (the Web server must be accessible from the setup computer). The WEBDEV site will be installed on the server at the specified date and time. This allows you to update your site during the night (between midnight and 3 AM for example), when the number of Web users is reduced. Caution: the specified date and time are the ones of the server. Make sure that they are valid. • Activating the site immediately after setup : The site will be available once it has been installed: you will be able to connect to it either by using the proper address, or via a static page containing a link pointing to the site. If this option is not checked, the site can be activated via the remote administrator.
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