WEBDEV Concepts
Part 8: HostingWEBDEV sites 223 2.2 Installed sites The "Sites" tab returns the list of dynamic WEBDEV sites installed on the computer and managed by the WEBDEV administrator. For each site, the following information is displayed in a table: • the site name. • the full setup directory of the site on the computer. • name of the corresponding "project" file. • the site status (locked or not). You can check the box to directly block access to the site during the update. • the number of scheduled tasks used by the site. The "Sites" tab can also be used to: • Delete the site selected in the table. It is used to remove the site from the administrator: the WEBDEV site will still be found on disk. • Refresh the list of sites found in the table. This refresh operation is used to check the presence of a site in the administrator after its setup. • Add a site into the table. • Configure each site found on the computer. The configuration used by default is the one defined in the "Configuration" tab. You can also create a specific configuration for the selected site ("Parameters" button). This configuration affects the number of authorized connections, the authorized idle time and whether the site must be locked during an update. For more details, see the "Configuration" tab. To validate the new configuration immediately, click "Apply". You can also manage scheduled tasks associated with the selected site (Scheduled tasks" button). This configuration is available when the site is deployed. • Directly test the sites installed on the computer (development version only): Select the site and click "Test". 2.3 Installed Webservices The "Webservices" tab gives information about the dynamic WEBDEVWebservices installed on the computer. The "Webservices" tab lists the dynamic WEBDEV Webservices installed on the computer and managed by the WEBDEV administrator. For each Webservice, the following information is displayed in a table: • the name of the Webservice. • the complete Webservice installation directory on the workstation. • name of the corresponding "project" file. • the Webservice status (locked or not). The box can be checked to directly block access to the Webservice during the update. • number of scheduled tasks used by the Webservice. The "Webservices" tab also allows you to: • Delete the selected Webservice from the table. The Webservice is deleted from the administrator: the WEBDEVWebservice will still be found on disk. • Refresh the display of the Webservices found in the table. This refresh operation is used to check the presence of a Webservice in the administrator after its setup. • Add a Webservice into the table. • Configure individually the Webservices on the computer. The configuration used by default is the one defined in the "Configuration" tab. You can also create a specific configuration for the selected Webservice ("Parameters" button). This configuration affects the number of authorized connections, the authorized idle time and whether the Webservice must be locked during an update. For more details, see the "Configuration" tab. To validate the new configuration immediately, click "Apply". You can also manage scheduled tasks associated with the selected Webservice (Scheduled tasks" button). This configuration is available when the Webservice is deployed. 2.4 WebSocket servers installed The "WebSockets" tab lists the different WebSocket WEBDEV servers installed on the computer and managed by the WEBDEV administrator. For each WebSocket server, the following information is displayed in a table: • the server name, • the full setup directory of the WebSocket server on the computer, • the WebSocket server status (locked or not). The box can be checked to directly block access to the WebSocket server during the update.
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