WEBDEV Concepts

Part 8: HostingWEBDEV sites 227 Log file of setups The log of setups is used to trace the installed elements of a site. This log is very useful before you contact Technical Support if errors occurred during the deployment. To use the log of setups, simply specify the full path of the corresponding file ("WDInstall_log.txt" file by default). 2.8 Logs The "Logs" tab is used to: • see the details of logs for a specific period. • configure the sending of error reports by email. Caution : To use this feature, the logs must have been enabled for the site. The logs can be enabled: • in the "Logs" tab to create a general log, • in the "Sites" tab ("Parameters" button) and in the "Webservices" tab ("Parameters" button") to manage a specific log. The error log is automatically created when the statistics log is enabled. The WEBDEV administrator is used to manage a specific log file allowing you to follow the traffic statistics. • Generate a log file (.log) : This option allows you to generate a log file (".LOG" extension) used to see the traffic statistics of WEBDEV sites via WDStatistic. For more details, see the help about WDStatistic. The location of log file can be specified. This option can be modified for each site in the "Sites" tab. • Save in the global file and in the file of each application : This option is used to save the statistics in the log files of both the application and the server. Indeed, if the log file is defined both at server level and at application level ("Sites" tab), information may be "lost".