WEBDEV Concepts

46 Part 2: Developing a site 4 Internal page Internal pages are used to dynamically share a section of interface in one or more sites. The interface to be used multiple times is created in an "Internal Page". This interface is used in the different pages of your site via the "Internal Page" control. Remark : The internal page to be shared can come from a component. For more details, see the online help. 5 Page templates WEBDEV allows you to create page templates. These templates contain the graphic elements and the code common to all the pages of your site. The changes made to the page template are automatically applied to all the pages that use this template. A page template allows you to use the style book defined for a site. Using page templates in your sites allows you to: • easily create the site pages. • define the layout of the site pages. • easily update the site style book. A page template can be created as easily as a page. To create a page using a template, simply choose the "based on a template" option. By default, any change made to the template is applied to the pages in which it is used. However, you can manage special cases in a specific page by overriding the template elements. For more details, see the online help. 6 Popup page WEBDEV allows you to create popup pages. These popup pages allow you to interact with the users in a simple way. A Popup page can be used to: • prompt users to enter information (SMTP parameters for sending emails, new address, etc.), • ask to confirm a deletion, • etc. To open a popup page from another page, you can use the PopupDisplay browser function. Remark: It is also possible to display a page as a popup. In this case, the popup will be displayed using PopupDisplayPage . For more details, see the online help. 7 Refreshing a Session page 7.1 Overview Refreshing a page consists in re-displaying a page that is already open in the browser. This action is the same as the "Refresh" button in the browser. When a page is refreshed, the dynamic data in the page is updated according to the page context on the server. Only the modified data is re-displayed. For example, when entering an order in a sales application, the page that displays the summary of the order (the cart) is refreshed each time a new item is ordered. 7.2 Implementation To refresh a page, simply use the PageRefresh WLanguage function. The following operations are automatically performed when a page is refreshed: 1. The existence of the page context on the server is checked. 2. The page is displayed again according to its context on the server. Using PageDisplay to refresh a page is not recommended because it takes longer to load the page.