WEBDEV Concepts
62 Part 2: Developing a site Browser code: WLanguage code or JavaScript code? The code run on the end user computer (in the browser) is represented by a green or blue bar in the code editor. • Green bar = WLanguage: the WL symbol is displayed on the code header. • Blue bar = JavaScript: the JS symbol is displayed on the code header. To switch from green code (WLanguage) to blue code (JavaScript), simply click the WL symbol on the code header (and conversely by clicking JS) and choose the desired language. When the page is saved, the WLanguage code is automatically converted to JavaScript. We recommend that you develop in WLanguage . Additional events The link "Add other events" in the code window is used to manage events in addition to those proposed by default. Simply click on "Add other events to xxx" at the bottom of the code window: the list of additional events is displayed. Simply select the desired events to add them to the codes displayed by the code editor. Example of additional events: double-click, key down, key pressed, key released, button pressed, mouse moved, etc. Reminder : Browser code is available in dynamic (Session or AWP mode) and static pages.
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