WEBDEV Concepts
66 Part 2: Developing a site Action Sequence of codes run Remarks Send values to the server (submit) Associated action : Run browser codes only Run server and browser codes Code run : 1. Browser click code of control. 2. Browser code of page submit (if it exists). 3. Sending the values found in the page controls to update the page context on the server. 4. Server code of control. Page context automatically updated on the server (Session or AWP dynamic pages only). Associated action : Display a site page Code run : 1. Browser click code of control. 2. Browser code of page submit (if it exists). 3. Sending the values found in the page controls to update the page context on the server. 4. Server code of control. 5. Page display. Page context automatically updated on the server (Session or AWP dynamic pages only). Automatic page display. Reinitializing pages (reset) Associated action : Run browser codes only Code run : 1. Browser click code of control. 2. Displaying the initial page (page with all controls initialized to empty or to 0 and execution of initialization code for each control then for the page). Do not send anything to the server Associated action : Run browser codes only Code run : Browser code of control only. Associated action : Run server and browser codes Code run : 1. Browser click code of control. 2. Server code of control. Associated action : Display a site page Code run : 1. Browser click code of control. 2. Server code of control. 3. Page display. Automatic page display
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