WINDEV Concepts
156 Part 4: Advanced concept 6.3 Reading the performance profiler results The performance profiler presents the result of the analysis in several tabs: • the "Summary" tab shows the ten longest processes. • the "Mapping" tab shows a graphical view of the main processes. • the "Details" tab shows all the processes run during the test of the application (from the slowest to the fastest). • the "Calls" tab shows the details of the operations performed in a process. The following information is displayed for each process: Function Function, event, process or procedure run. Total time Function execution time. Nb of calls Number of calls made to the function (procedure, event or process). Time 1 call Execution time of a call to the function (procedure, event or process). code % Percentage of code run outside the call to a WLanguage function or outside the call to a custom function or procedure. Parent Process that called the function. Remarks : • "Full execution" represents the total execution time of the application test in the performance profiler. • "Total for XXXWindow" represents the total execution time of a given window (from the moment it is opened until closed). 6.4 Choosing a process to optimize The processes to be optimized are chosen based on several criteria: • the process execution time . The longest processes must be optimized. • the percentage of time used by the function or procedure . The higher this percentage is, the greater the number of processes that can be optimized in the code. Remark : If the process corresponds to aWLanguage function, it is fairly hard to optimize it. 7 Regression tests 7.1 Overview To test a window from the editor: 1. Open the window to be tested. 2. Click in the quick access buttons (or press F9). The editor is automatically minimized and the window is run. During the test, all window features can be run. You will be able to open other windows, for example. 7.2 Automated tests Each test contains a scenario that can be directly edited in the development environment. This scenario is written in WLanguage and can be modified at any time. These tests can be run before creating the executable to make sure the application runs properly. The following elements can be tested: • WINDEV windows. • sets of procedures. • classes. • WINDEV executables. Each test is associated with a WLanguage code: the test scenario. This scenario can be viewed in the code editor. The code of the tests can be modified. The tests and their code are not included in the executable and are not provided to the end users. Therefore, the number of tests has no impact on the size of the application available to end users. For more details, see the online help (keyword: "Automated test").
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