Désolé, votre navigateur ne supporte pas le javascript. WLanguage: List of programming commands (5GL)
Paquete de software de desarrollo de aplicaciones multiplataforma Software integrado para desarrollar aplicaciones multiplataforma


This page presents 3480 WLanguage functions.

WLanguage (WL) is a 5th generation language. It includes the usual functions of programming languages as well as a native data-oriented platform.

The graphic aspects, the check and validation of inputs are performed upstream of coding, via the outstanding GUI editor. The window editor eliminates the coding step of interfaces as it allows for definition and test of interfaces in a 100% WYSIWYG mode, including for the advanced definition of controls. WLanguage allows you to access and modify all the created elements.

Don't forget that WINDEV is interfaced with the following languages: Java, C, C++, C#, Cobol, Fortran, VB... You can also perform calls to ActiveX, OCX, etc WINDEV is totally opened. Don't forget that there is no need to program most of the actions that can be easily defined in the editors!

WLanguage reduces the amount of necessary code by up to 90%.

This list is impressive! But only a small number of functions will be actually used in your applications.
This list is an exhaustive list, it will allow you to never be stuck.
The following functions are available ; they give you the ability to modify by programming what was defined in the editors: it provides additional flexibility. For example, to display an image found in a file, there is nothing to program (even to add effects!). However, you have the ability to program a specific process if you want to. You will never be stuck with WINDEV.

AAFChangeCaption Customizes the caption of a menu option for the popup menus corresponding to an AAF (Automatic Application Feature).
AAFConfigure Used to specify the behavior of some Automatic Application Features (AAF). You can for example configure the option for exporting to Excel used by the automatic menu of tables.
AAFDisable Disables an Automatic Application Feature (AAF) on a control, on a window or on the current application.
AAFExecute Runs an Automatic Application Feature (AAF) on a control or on a window. This function can be used to start the spelling checker on an edit control for example.
AAFExportSecurity Secures the export of confidential data in the AAFs (Automatic Application Features) that are used to export, print or save data.
AAFPopupMenuToString Returns the list of options found in the popup menu actually displayed by the control.
AAFPossible Indicates whether an AAF (Automatic Application Feature) can be run on a specific control.
Abandon Closes the current window by running the code of the CANCEL button.
Abs Returns the absolute value of a numeric value or numeric expression (integer or real).
ActionBarDeleteSearchHistory Deletes the history from the search control found in the action bar of a window.
ActionBarSearchVisible Used to find out and modify the visibility status of the search control associated with the Action Bar found in the current window.
ActionDeclareUndo Declares how to cancel an action that was added by ActionDo. This function MUST be called when running the procedure supplied to ActionDo.
ActionDo Creates and runs a custom action (defined by programming) with support of "Undo/Redo".
ActionPlanConfigure Configures an action plan in the software factory
ActionPlanExecute Runs an instance of the action plan in the software factory.
ActionPlanInfo Retrieves information regarding the execution of an instance of action plan.
ActionRedo Runs the last action canceled.
ActionUndo Cancels the last action performed by the end user.
ActiveXEvent Associates a procedure written in WLanguage with an event of an ActiveX control.
Add Adds an element in last position
  • of a one-dimensional WLanguage array
  • of an advanced array property (array of events of gglCalendar, ...)
  • from a WLanguage list.
AddColumn Adds a column at the end of a two-dimensional array property (xlsDocument variable for example]).
AddFavorite Adds an Internet address into the list of favorites for the Web user.
AddLine Adds a row at the end
  • of a one- or two-dimensional WLanguage array
  • of a two-dimensional array property of a variable type (xlsDocument variable for example).
AddLink Adds a link onto a text section in an edit control.
AddVoiceCommand Adds a voice command into the current window. From version 17, this function is replaced by SpeechRecognitionAddCommand.
Age Returns the age according to the date of birth.
AgentAdvice Displays a message containing a text, an icon and a combination of buttons.
AgentBeep Emits a sound.
AgentChoice Displays a message containing a title, a list of choices, an icon and a combination of buttons.
AgentCreate Initializes an agent for an application.
AgentHeight Returns the height of the agent window.
AgentHide Hides an agent.
AgentInput Displays a message containing a title, a text, an icon, a combination of buttons and an input area.
AgentMessage Displays a message containing a title, a text, an icon and a combination of buttons.
AgentMove Moves and/or resizes the window of an agent.
AgentShow Displays the agent managed by the application.
AgentTerminate Deletes an agent from memory.
AgentWidth Returns the width of the agent window.
AgentXPos Returns the horizontal position of the agent window.
AgentYPos Returns the vertical position of the agent window.
AJAXAsynchronousCallPending Used to find out whether a server procedure called by AJAXExecuteAsynchronous is currently run.
AJAXAvailable Used to find out whether the AJAX technology is supported by the current browser.
AJAXCancelAsynchronousCall Cancels the automatic execution of the browser procedure called by AJAXExecuteAsynchronous.
AJAXExecute Runs a server procedure without refreshing the page.
AJAXExecuteAsynchronous Runs a server procedure without refreshing the page.
AlbumPicker Retrieves a photo, an image or a video stored in the photo album of the mobile device.
AlbumSave Saves an image, a photo or a video in the photo album of the mobile device.
AnimationEnabled Enables or disables the animations in the controls.
AnimationGetParameter Reads the value of one of the animation parameters defined for an Image control or for a Static control.
AnimationMinFPS Configures the minimum number of images per second in order for the animations (transition effects) to be enabled in the controls.
AnimationPlay Plays an animation when a control, a group of controls or a window is modified.
AnimationPlayOnControlProperty Animates the modification of an integer property between 2 values.
AnimationPrepare Prepares the animation on a control, a group of controls or a window.
AnimationSetMode Changes the type of animation
  • for an image in an Image control
  • for a text in a static control.
AnimationSetParameter Changes one of the animation parameters used for
  • an animated image (in an Image control),
  • an animated text (in a Static control).
AnsiToOem Transforms a character string in ANSI format (Windows) into a character string in OEM format (DOS).
AnsiToUnicode Converts:
  • a character string in ANSI format (Windows) into a character string in UNICODE format.
  • a buffer containing a character string in ANSI format (Windows) into a buffer containing a character string in UNICODE format.
apDisableAction Disables the execution of an action found in an action plan.
apExecute Runs an action plan.
apFullProjectName Retrieves the full physical name of a project opened during the execution of an action plan
API Runs a function found in an external DLL.
APIParameter Modifies the options for calling API and CallDLL32.
apLog Saves an information in a "log" file during the execution of an action plan.
AppliActivateVersion Activates one of the application versions available in the history of versions on the reference setup server.
AppliChangeParameter Changes an information in the mechanism for automatic update of the specified application.
AppliControl Enables (or disables) the remote control for the current multi-user WINDEV application. This function is an advanced function.
AppliDeleteVersion Deletes a version from the history of versions found on the reference setup server.
AppliInstallUPD Triggers the automatic update of the current application.
AppliInstallVersion Installs a specific version of the application.
AppliListVersion Lists the versions available on the reference setup server.
AppliParameter Returns information about the mechanism for automatic update of the specified application.
AppliUPDAvailable Used to find out whether an update is available for the specified application.
AppliVersionInfo Returns information about a version available on the setup server.
AppointmentAdd Adds an appointment
  • into the calendar of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging
  • into the calendar found on a mobile device (Android or iOS)
AppointmentCreate Displays the window for appointment creation of the native application for managing appointments found on the Android device.
AppointmentDelete Deletes
  • the current appointment from the calendar of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging
  • an appointment from the calendar found on a mobile device (Android/iOS)
AppointmentDisplay Displays an appointment in the native application for managing appointments found on the mobile device (Android or iOS).
AppointmentFirst Reads the first appointment found in the calendar of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging.
AppointmentLast Reads the last appointment found in the calendar of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging.
AppointmentList Lists the appointments found on the mobile device (Android/iOS) and corresponding to the specified criteria.
AppointmentListCalendar Lists the calendars available on the mobile device (Android/iOS).
AppointmentModify Modifies the current appointment
  • in the calendar of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging.
  • in the calendar found on a mobile device (Android/iOS)
AppointmentNext Reads the appointment found after the current appointment in the calendar of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging.
AppointmentPrevious Reads the appointment found before the current appointment in the calendar of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging.
AppointmentRead Reads an appointment found in the calendar of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging.
AppointmentReset Reinitializes
AppointmentToiCalendar Exports an appointment or a list of appointments in iCalendar format.
AppOpenForm Opens the form of an application on Android (Play Store), iOS (App Store) or Windows (Windows Store) in order for the user to give a mark to it and/or to comment it.
AppServerAddScheduledTask Adds a new scheduled task to the application (site or webservice).
AppServerDeleteScheduledTask Deletes a scheduled task associated with the application (site or Webservice).
AppServerInfoScheduledTask Reads the description of a scheduled task.
AppServerListScheduledTask Returns the list of scheduled tasks for the application (site or Webservice).
AppServerModifyScheduledTask Modifies an existing scheduled task.
AppServerRunScheduledTask Immediately starts the execution of a scheduled task on a WEBDEV Application Server.
ArcCos Returns the arc cosine of a numeric value (integer or real).
ArcSin Returns the arc sine of a numeric value (integer or real).
ArcTan Returns the arc tangent of a numeric value (integer or real).
ArcTan2 Returns the arc tangent 2 of the values passed in parameter.
ArrayAdd Adds an element in last position:
  • of a one-dimensional WLanguage array.
  • of an advanced array property (array of events of gglCalendar, ...).
  • from a WLanguage list.
ArrayAddLine Adds a row at the end
  • of a one-dimensional or two-dimensional array
  • of an advanced two-dimensional array property (xlsDocument, …)
ArrayAddSorted Adds an element into a one-dimensional array while taking into account the sort criterion defined by ArraySort.
ArrayCopy Copies the content of an array into another array.
ArrayCount Returns:
  • the number of elements found in a one-dimensional array.
  • the number of rows found in a two-dimensional array.
  • the number of elements found in the first dimension of a three-dimensional or N-dimensional array.
ArrayDelete Deletes an element at a given position:
  • from a one-dimensional WLanguage array.
  • from an advanced array property (array of gglCalendar events, ...).
  • from an associative array.
  • from a WLanguage list.
ArrayDeleteAll Deletes all the elements:
  • from a one-dimensional or two-dimensional WLanguage array.
  • from an associative array.
  • from an advanced array property (array of gglCalendar events, ...).
  • from a WLanguage queue.
  • from a WLanguage stack
  • from a WLanguage list.
ArrayDeleteDuplicate Deletes the duplicates from an array.
ArrayDeleteLine Deletes a row at a given position
  • from a two-dimensional array
  • from the advanced array property (array of gglCalendar events, …)
The size of the array is automatically reduced.
ArrayInfo Returns the characteristics of an array: type of elements, number of dimensions, dimensions, ...
ArrayInsert Inserts an element at a given position:
  • into a one-dimensional array.
  • into an associative array.
  • into an advanced array property (array of gglCalendar events, ...).
  • into a WLanguage list.
ArrayInsertLine Inserts a row at a given position
  • into a two-dimensional WLanguage array.
  • into an advanced two-dimensional array property (xlsDocument, ...)
ArrayMix Mixes the elements of a WLanguage array.
ArrayMove Used to:
  • move an element in a one-dimensional WLanguage array or in an advanced array property (array of gglCalendar events, ...). The other array elements are moved accordingly.
  • swap two elements in a one-dimensional WLanguage array or in an advanced array property (array of gglCalendar events, ...).
ArrayMoveLine Used to:
  • move a row in a two-dimensional array or in an advanced array property. The other array rows are moved accordingly.
  • swap two rows in a two-dimensional array or in an advanced array property.
ArrayReverse Reverses the content of a one-dimensional array
ArraySeek Seeks the subscript of an element in a WLanguage array.
ArraySeekByProcedure Seeks an element in a one-dimensional array by using a comparison procedure.
ArraySort Sorts a WLanguage array.
ArraySwapLine Used to swap two rows in a two-dimensional array or in an advanced array property
ArrayToCSV Converts a one-dimensional array or a two-dimensional array into a character string in CSV format.
ArrayToString Converts a one-dimensional array or a two-dimensional array into a character string.
ArrowEnd Specifies the position of the end of an arrow in a "Shape" control.
ArrowStart Specifies the start position of an arrow in a "Shape" control.
Asc Returns the ASCII code of specified character.
ASPDisplay Calls an external ASP script and returns the result page in the current browser window.
ASPExecute Calls an external .asp script and returns the result in a string.
AssistedInputAdd Adds a row into the list of values available for the assisted input of an edit control
AssistedInputClose Closes the list of values proposed by the assisted input for an edit control
AssistedInputConfigure Used to configure the filter and the opening of the assisted input.
AssistedInputDeleteAll Clears the list of values proposed for the assisted input of an edit control
AssistedInputOpen Opens the list of values proposed by the assisted input for an edit control.
AttachPointAdd Defines an attach point for one of the two extremities of a Wire control.
AttachPointDeleteAll Deletes all the attach points for a control.
AuthIdentify Performs an authentication using the OAuth 2.0 protocol on any webservice.
AutomationEvent Branches a procedure to the event of an automation object.
AutomationParameter Configures the management of accesses to the ActiveX objects and to the Automation objects.
AutoRunAdd Used to:
  • automatically run a Windows Mobile application according to a specific event. This run is defined from a Windows Mobile application (created with WINDEV Mobile).
  • automatically run a WINDEV application according to a specific event. This run is defined from a WINDEV application
AutoRunDelete Used to stop the automatic run of a Windows Mobile or WINDEV application
awProcedureGetAndSendInfo Specifies the WLanguage procedure that will be called when receiving information coming from awSendAndGetInfo.
awProcedureGetInfo Specifies the WLanguage procedure that will be called when receiving information coming from awSendInfo.
awSendAndGetInfo Sends data from an iOS phone to an Apple Watch (or conversely) while expecting a response.
awSendInfo Sends an information from an iOS phone to an Apple Watch (or conversely).
BankHoliday Indicates whether a day is a bank holiday or not.
BankHolidayAdd Indicates that a day (or a list of days) is a bank holiday.
BankHolidayDeleteAll Clears the list of all bank holidays.
BankHolidayList Returns the list of bank holidays defined by BankHolidayAdd.
BannerFirst Displays the first plane of a Scrolling Banner control.
BannerLast Displays the last slide of a Scrolling Banner control.
BannerNext Displays the next plane of a Scrolling Banner control.
BannerPrevious Displays the previous plane of a Scrolling Banner control.
BannerStartScrolling Enables the automatic scroll on a Scrolling Banner control.
BannerStopScrolling Stops the automatic scroll on a Scrolling Banner control.
BCCalculateControlCharacter Returns the check code of a bar code.
BCCapture Decodes the information stored in a bar code by using the device camera (Android, iPhone, iPad).
BCDecode Decodes the information stored in a QR Code bar code.
Beep Emits a beep.
BinaryAND Returns the result of a logical AND (bit by bit) between two values.
BinaryInfo BinaryInfo is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version).
BinaryLoad BinaryLoad is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version).
BinaryNOT Returns the result of a logical NOT (bit by bit) performed on a value.
BinaryOR Returns the result of a logical OR (bit by bit) between two values.
BinarySave BinarySave is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version).
BinaryXOR Returns the result of a logical exclusive OR (bit by bit) between two values.
BitmapInfo Retrieves the characteristics of an image file or the characteristics of a PDF file
  • format,
  • width and height,
  • number of bits per pixel.
BreakAdd Adds a break into a Table control or into a Looper control.
BreakDelete Deletes a break from a Table control or from a Looper control.
BreakDeleteAll Deletes all the breaks from a Table control or from a Looper control.
BrightnessAuto Returns or modifies the activation status of the automatic adjustment of the brightness on the device.
BrightnessGet Returns the current setting of the brightness for the screen of the device.
BrightnessModify Modifies the setting of the brightness for the device screen.
BrowserBlade Returns the number of the blade displayed in a page in Responsive Web Design mode.
BrowserClose Closes the current browser window and stops the execution of the current code.
BrowserHeight Returns the height (in pixels) of the client area where the page is displayed.
BrowserIPAddress Returns the IP address of the computer of the Web user connected to the WEBDEV site.
BrowserIsConnected Indicates whether the browser is connected to the network.
BrowserMobile Allows you to find out whether the browser used by the Web user is started on a mobile device.
BrowserName Returns the name of the browser of the Web user ("user agent").
BrowserOpen Opens a new browser window.
BrowserOS Indicates the operating system announced by the browser of the Web user.
BrowserPlatform Returns the platform of the browser used by the Web user.
BrowserRunApp Opens the default Web browser of the current device.
BrowserType Returns the type of browser used by the Web user.
BrowserVersion Returns the version of the browser used by the Web user.
BrowserWidth Returns the width (in pixels) of the client area where the page is displayed.
BTAcceptConnection Used to find out whether a Bluetooth radio accepts (or not) the requests for connection coming from the devices.
BTActivate Enables or disables the management of Bluetooth on the device.
BTChangeConnectivity Used to configure a Bluetooth radio to accept (or not) the requests for connection coming from the devices.
BTChangeVisibility Changes the visibility of a Bluetooth radio.
BTConnectDevice Allows you to be authenticated toward a Bluetooth device.
BTDisableService Disables a service on a Bluetooth device.
BTDisconnectDevice Cancels the authentication beside a Bluetooth device.
BTEnableService Enables a service provided by a Bluetooth device.
BTInfoDevice Returns specific information about a Bluetooth device.
BTInfoRadio Returns specific information about a Bluetooth radio connected to the computer.
BTIsVisible Used to find out whether a Bluetooth radio is visible.
BTLECharacteristicChangeOfValue Enables or disables the detection regarding the change of value for a Bluetooth Low Energy characteristic.
BTLECharacteristicReadValue Reads the value of a characteristic on a Bluetooth Low Energy device.
BTLECharacteristicWriteValue Writes a value in a characteristic on a Bluetooth Low Energy device.
BTLEConnect Used to connect to a Bluetooth Low Energy device.
BTLEConnectionStatus Returns the current status of the connection to a Bluetooth Low Energy device or asks to be notified when the status of the connection changes.
BTLEDescriptorReadValue Reads the value of a descriptor on a Bluetooth Low Energy device.
BTLEDescriptorWriteValue Writes the value of a descriptor on a Bluetooth Low Energy device.
BTLEDisconnect Used to disconnect from a Bluetooth Low Energy device.
BTLEGetACharacteristic Retrieves the characteristic of a Bluetooth Low Energy service corresponding to the specified identifier (UUID).
BTLEGetADescriptor Retrieves the descriptor of a Bluetooth Low Energy characteristic corresponding to the specified identifier (UUID).
BTLEGetAllCharacteristics Retrieves all the characteristics with the same identifier associated with a Bluetooth Low Energy service.
BTLEGetAllServices Retrieves all the services corresponding to a UUID.
BTLEGetAService Retrieves the service of a Bluetooth Low Energy device corresponding to the specified identifier (UUID).
BTLEInitialize Initializes Bluetooth Low Energy (required in iOS only).
BTLEListDevice Returns the list of accessible Bluetooth Low Energy devices.
BTLEStatus Returns the current activation status of Bluetooth on the device or asks to be notified when the activation status changes.
BTListDevice Returns the list of accessible Bluetooth devices.
BTListRadio Returns the list of Bluetooth radios connected to the computer.
BTListService Returns the list of services provided by a Bluetooth device.
BTOpenDeviceProperties Opens the window of properties for a Bluetooth device.
BTSelectDevice Opens a system window to select a Bluetooth device.
BTStack Returns the Bluetooth stack currently used.
BTStatus Returns the current activation status of Bluetooth on the device or asks to be notified when the activation status changes.
BufferToHexa Converts a buffer into a displayable hexadecimal string (for example: "4A 5B 00").
BufferToInteger Extracts an integer found in a binary buffer at a given position.
BufferToReal Extracts a real found in a binary buffer at a given position.
BuildAutomationVariant Builds an Automation variant parameter.
BuildBrowsingTable Creates a Table control from the items found in a data file (view or query).
BurnerAddDirectory Adds all the files found in a directory to the compilation.
BurnerAddFile Adds a file to the compilation.
BurnerCancel Cancels the current burn process.
BurnerCompilationInfo Retrieves the characteristics of current compilation.
BurnerEject Opens or closes the door of the current burner.
BurnerErase Erases the files found on a rewritable CD or DVD.
BurnerList Returns the list of burners installed on the current computer.
BurnerMediaFound Used to find out whether the burner is empty or not.
BurnerMediaInfo Retrieves the characteristics of the CD/DVD found in the current burner.
BurnerMediaType Used to find out and modify the format of the CD or DVD to burn.
BurnerPath Returns the path of the current burner.
BurnerProperty Used to find out and modify the properties of the current burner.
BurnerSave Burns the files found in the compilation onto the CD or DVD.
BurnerSelect Used to select the default burner.
BurnerStatus Returns the status of the current burner.
BurnerVolumeName Allows you to find out or modify the name of the CD or DVD to burn.
CalendarOpen In a Date edit control, opens a popup window displaying a calendar.
CalendarPicker Opens a modal dialog with a calendar to enter a date.
CalendarPosition Returns the month displayed in a Calendar control.
CalendarSelect Returns the date selected in a Calendar control.
CalendarSelectMinus Deselects a date in a multi-selection Calendar control.
CalendarSelectOccurrence Returns the number of days selected in a Calendar control.
CalendarSelectPlus Selects a date in a Calendar control.
CallDLL32 Runs a function found in an external DLL.
CallInterface Runs a method of an interface of an object implemented in a DLL external to the WINDEV framework.
CameraCapture Saves the video currently transmitted by a "camera" as an image or a video sequence.
CameraChangeDriver Connects the "Camera" control to a specific driver for video capture.
CameraConfigure Used to configure the driver for video capture.
CameraDisplay Displays in a "Camera" control the video sequence currently transmitted by a "web camera" or by the camera of the mobile device.
CameraGenerateMiniature Generates a miniature of the specified photo or video.
CameraListDriver Lists the drivers for video capture installed on the current computer.
CameraListParameter Lists the values supported by the device camera for a given parameter.
CameraParameter Returns or modifies the value of a parameter for the device camera.
CameraRequestPermission Requests the permission for using the video camera found on the device.
CameraRunApp Starts the native camera application of the device in order to record a video or to take a photo.
CameraStartDecoding Starts decoding bar codes in a Camera control.
CameraStatus Returns the status of a Camera control.
CameraStop Stops playing or recording a video sequence in a Camera control.
CameraStopDecoding Stops decoding bar codes in a Camera control.
CancelAWPContext Deletes from the AWP context a variable that was added by DeclareAWPContext.
CancelWebserviceContext Deletes from the webservice context a variable added by DeclareWebserviceContext.
CapsLockVerify Checks whether the CapsLock key is pressed.
CaptchaDisplay Displays a new Captcha in a Captcha control.
CaptchaVerify Checks whether the value typed by the user corresponds to the string displayed in a Captcha control.
cdbAdd Adds the record found in memory into a data file (standard database found on the Mobile Device or ".CDB" database).
cdbCancelSearch Cancels the current search criterion (standard database found on the Mobile Device or ".CDB" database).
cdbClose Closes a database (".CDB" file) that was opened by cdbOpen.
cdbCol Returns a characteristic of a column found in the current record (value, type, identifier or name) in a standard database of the Mobile Device or in a ".CDB" database.
cdbDateTimeToInteger Transforms a DateTime variable into a value compatible with a Date and Time column (unsigned 8-byte integer).
cdbDelete Deletes the current record or the specified record from the data file.
cdbFound Checks whether the current record corresponds to the current search.
cdbIntegerToDateTime Transforms the value of a Date and Time column (unsigned 8-byte integer) into a DateTime variable].
cdbListFile Returns the list of data files found in a CEDB database.
cdbModify Modifies the specified record or the record found in memory in the data file.
cdbNbCol Returns the number of columns found in the record in memory.
cdbNbRec Returns the number of records found in a data file.
cdbOpen Opens a database (".CDB" file) on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
cdbOut Used to find out whether the record on which we want to be positioned is outside the file.
cdbRead Reads a record in a file according to a given record number.
cdbReadFirst Positions on the first file record and reads this record.
cdbReadLast Positions on the last file record and reads this record.
cdbReadNext Positions on the next file record and reads this record.
cdbReadPrevious Positions on the previous file record and reads this record.
cdbReadSeek Positions on the first record of a data file whose value for a specific column is equal to a sought value (exact-match search).
cdbRecNum Returns the number of the current record found in a data file.
cdbReset Re-initializes all the variables for one of the structures of the standard databases found on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC)
cdbWriteCol Modifies the value of a column for a record in memory.
CDEject Opens or closes the door of the CD/DVD player selected on the current computer.
CDList Returns the list of CD/DVD players installed on the current computer.
ceConnect Connects the current computer to a Mobile Device (Pocket PC).
ceConnectionStatus Used to find out the status of the connection between the current computer and a Mobile Device (Pocket PC).
ceCopyFile Copies one or more files:
  • from the current computer to the connected Mobile Device (Pocket PC).
  • from the connected Mobile Device (Pocket PC) to the current computer.
  • from the connected Mobile Device (Pocket PC) to another directory found on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC)
ceCreateShortcut Creates a shortcut on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceDeleteFile Deletes a file from the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceDeleteShortcut Deletes a shortcut that was created by ceCreateShortcut.
ceDir Finds a file or a directory on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceDisconnect Closes the connection between the current computer and the Mobile Device (Pocket PC).
ceFileDate Returns or modifies the different dates associated with a file (creation, modification or access).
ceFileExist Checks the existence of a file found on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceFileSize Returns the size (in bytes) of a file found on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceFileTime Returns or modifies the different times associated with a file (creation, modification or access). This file is found on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC)
ceListFile Lists the files found in a directory (and in its sub-directories) and returns the number of listed files. The directory used is found on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
CellCloseDialog Hides a cell displayed in the page via CellDisplayDialog.
CellDisplayDialog Displays a cell in a page with a DDW effect (Dim Disabled Windows). This function is used to easily simulate a dialog box in browser code, by using a cell in a page.
ceMachineName Returns the name of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC).
ceMakeDir Creates a directory on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceOEMInfo Returns the OEM information of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
cePlatform Returns the name of the platform for the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
cePowerStatus Used to get information about the main or secondary battery of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC).
ceProcessorType Returns the type of processor on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceRegistryCreateKey Creates a key in the registry of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceRegistryDeleteKey Deletes a sub-key from the registry of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceRegistryDeleteValue Deletes a value from the registry of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceRegistryExist Checks the existence of a key in the registry of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceRegistryFirstSubKey Identifies the key found after the specified key in the registry of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceRegistryListValue Returns the name (and possibly the type) of the values for a registry key of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceRegistryNextKey Identifies the key found after the specified key in the registry of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceRegistryQueryValue Reads the value of a register in the registry of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceRegistrySetValue Writes a value into a register of the registry on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceRegistrySubKey Identifies the path of the Nth sub-key in the registry of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceRemoveDir Deletes a directory from the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
CertificateCheckDuplicate Checks the signature of a duplicate.
CertificateCheckFileSignatureBuffer Checks the correspondence between a signature and a file. The signature was stored as a Buffer variable
CertificateCheckFileSignatureFile Checks the correspondence between a signature and a file. The signature was kept as an external file
CertificateCheckString Checks the correspondence between a signature and a string.
CertificateClientInfo Returns information about the certificate used by the client computer.
CertificateExtract Extracts a certificate from a signature buffer or from a print duplicate.
CertificateList Returns the list of certificates available on the computer.
CertificateLoad Loads a certificate from a file or from a buffer.
CertificateOpenProperties Opens the Windows window used to find out the properties of a certificate.
CertificateSelect Opens a window for selecting the certificates. The listed certificates are the certificates installed in the personal store.
CertificateSignExecutable Signs an executable file with a certificate.
CertificateSignFile Creates the signature of a file. This signature can be stored in a Buffer variable or in a text file.
CertificateSignString Creates the signature of a character string.
ceRunExe Starts the execution of a program (an executable for example) from the current application. The program is run on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC).
ceSysDir Returns the path of a system directory on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceWindowsVersion Returns information about the Windows version used on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceWinEnum Used to enumerate the Windows windows currently opened on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC).
ceWinTitle Returns the title of the specified Windows window.
ceXRes Returns the horizontal resolution of the screen on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceYRes Returns the vertical resolution of the screen on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ChangeAction Used to specify the action to perform when the HTML page displayed in the browser is no longer synchronized with the page context on the server.
ChangeCharset Retrieves and/or changes the character set used:
  • by all the screen fonts.
  • by all the operations performed on the character strings (functions and/or operators).
ChangeKeyboard Finds out and/or modifies the language associated with the keyboard.
ChangeSeparator Changes the value of the separators (decimal separator or thousand separator) used in the numeric masks for internationalization.
ChangeSkinTemplate Dynamically changes the skin template
  • of all the windows found in the current application,
  • of the windows found in the WINDEV components used by the application,
  • of a specific window found in the project.
ChangeStyle Modifies the style of a control dynamically.
ChangeTarget Changes the target frame of the current page after the execution of a button click.
Charact Returns the character corresponding to the specified ASCII code.
CharactType Returns information about the type of a character.
CharactTypeOccurrence Returns the number of characters matching the information of a given type
CharactUnicode Returns the character corresponding to the specified Unicode code
CheckBoxAdd Adds a new option into a Check Box control.
CheckBoxCount Returns the number of options found in a Check Box control.
CheckBoxDelete Deletes an option from a Check Box control.
CheckBoxInsert Inserts a new option into a Check Box control.
CheckUserIdentity Used to check the real identity of the current user via biometrics check.
ChronoEnd Stops a stopwatch and returns the time passed (in milliseconds) since the start of timing (call to ChronoStart).
ChronoPause Pauses a stopwatch in order to measure the time spent on a process.
ChronoReset Stops and resets an existing stopwatch to zero.
ChronoResume Restarts a stopwatch that was stopped by ChronoEnd or ChronoPause.
ChronoStart Starts a stopwatch to find out the duration of a process (in milliseconds) and resets an existing stopwatch.
ChronoValue Indicates the time passed (in milliseconds) since the call to ChronoStart
Clipboard Retrieves the text or the image found in the system clipboard.
ClipboardFormat Identifies the format of information found in the clipboard.
ClipboardHeight Calculates the height of an image (in bitmap format) found in the clipboard.
ClipboardRTF Retrieves an RTF string from the clipboard (the content of the clipboard is in RTF format).
ClipboardUnicode Returns the text found in the clipboard in Unicode format.
ClipboardWidth Calculates the width of an image (in bitmap format) found in the clipboard.
Close Closes a WINDEV window (and returns a value if necessary).
CloseSession Closes a session with Lotus Notes or Outlook.
ColorHue Calculates the hue of a color.
ColorLightness Calculates the lightness of a color.
ColorPalette Returns a color found in the current palette.
ColorSaturation Calculates the saturation of a color.
CombinationCheckName Checks whether a combination of one of more options known by their names is valid.
CombinationFromName Returns a combination of one or more options known by their names
CombinationFromValue Returns a combination of one or more options known by their associated values.
ComboClose Forces the closing of the scroll list in a Combo Box control (simple or multi-column combo box).
ComboOpen Expands the list of a Combo box control (single-column or multi-column combo box).
COMCallMethod Runs a method of an interface of a COM object instantiated by COMCreateInstance.
COMCreateInstance Instantiates a COM object (Component Object Model).
CommandLine Identifies and retrieves the different elements of the command line passed in parameter to the current program.
CommonLength Returns the number of characters common to two characters strings (from the beginning or from the end).
Compile Dynamically compiles a procedure whose source code is supplied.
Complete Returns a character string of a given size.
CompleteDir Adds (if necessary) the "\" character at the end of a character string.
ComponentInfo Returns information about a component.
ComponentList Returns the list of external components (".WDK" files) used by the current WINDEV or WINDEV Mobile application or by the current WEBDEV site.
ComponentLoad Loads the specified component in memory.
ComponentLoadAll Recursively loads in memory all the external components used in the project.
ComponentLocate Specifies the access path to an external component of the project.
Compress Compresses a string or a memory block (buffer) in binary format.
COMQueryInterface Calls the QueryInterface method of the specified COM object to get a specific interface of this object so that it can be used with COMCallMethod
ConfigureAAF Used to specify the behavior of some Automatic Application Features (AAF).
ConfigureAWPContext Configures the operating mode of AWP context.
ConfigureSpellCheck Configures the spelling checker of OpenOffice for the edit controls and for the table columns found in the application.
Confirm Displays a message in a standard dialog box that proposes "Yes", "No", "Cancel" and returns the user's choice.
ConnectionCount Returns the number of instances of the WEBDEV site currently run on the server.
ContactAdd Adds a contact
  • into the address book of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging.
  • into the list of contacts on the device (Android, iPhone or iPad, Universal Windows).
ContactCreate Displays the window for contact creation of the native application for contact management found on the device (Android, iPhone or iPad, Universal Windows).
ContactDelete Deletes the current contact
  • from the address book of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging
  • from the list of contacts on the phone (Android, iPhone or iPad, Universal Windows)
ContactDisplay Opens the form of a contact in the native application for contact management of the device (Android, iPhone or iPad, Universal Windows).
ContactEdit Opens the form of a current contact in edit mode in the native application for contact management found on the device (Android, iPhone, iPad, Universal Windows).
ContactFirst Reads the first contact found in
  • the address book of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging.
  • the list of contacts on the device (Android, iPhone or iPad)
ContactLast Reads the last contact found in
  • the address book of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging.
  • the list of contacts on the device (Android, iPhone or iPad, Universal Windows)
ContactList Lists the device contacts corresponding to the specified criteria
ContactListSource Lists the sources (or accounts) of the contacts saved on the device.
ContactModify Modifies the current contact in
  • the address book of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging.
  • the list of contacts on the device (Android, iPhone or iPad, Universal Windows)
ContactNext Reads the contact found after the current contact in
  • the address book of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging.
  • the list of contacts on the device (Android, iPhone or iPad, Universal Windows).
ContactPrevious Reads the contact found before the current contact in
  • the address book of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging.
  • the list of contacts on the device (Android, iPhone or iPad, Universal Windows)
ContactRead Reads a contact found in
  • the address book of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging.
  • the list of contacts on the device (Android, iPhone or iPad, Universal Windows).
ContactReset Reinitializes
ContactSearch Finds a contact
  • in the address book of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging.
  • in the list of contacts on the mobile device (Android, iPhone or iPad, Universal Windows).
ContactSelect Displays the list of contacts found on the device (Android, iPhone or iPad, Universal Windows).
Contains Used to find out whether a sub-string is included in a string.
ContextClose Closes a page context.
ContextExist Used to find out whether a page context exists on the server (which means whether the page was opened).
ContextOpen Opens a new page context without returning the information to the browser.
ControlAlias Identifies, modifies or restores the file link of a control or group of controls.
ControlClone Creates a new control from an existing control.
ControlCreate Creates a new control (of any type) in a window by programming.
ControlCurrent Returns the name of the control currently in edit.
ControlDelete Permanently deletes a control from a window, a page or a report.
ControlEnabled Ungrays a control or a group of controls found in a window. During this operation, an animation can be performed on the controls.
ControlError Customizes the value displayed in the controls when the value cannot be displayed.
ControlExecuteModification Considers that the control was modified by the user (..Modified is set to True for the control and for the window if necessary) and runs the "Whenever modified" process associated with the control.
ControlExist Checks the existence of a control (or group of controls) in a window, in a page or in a report.
ControlFindHighlight Highlights, in a window or in a control, all the captions and texts corresponding to a given text.
ControlFindTextFirst Finds and selects the first element corresponding to the sought text in a window or control.
ControlFindTextNext Finds and selects the next element corresponding to the sought text in a window or in a control.
ControlFindTextPrevious Finds and selects the previous element corresponding to the sought text in a window or in a control.
ControlFirst Indicates the name of the first control specified in the navigation order for a specific window.
ControlGrayed Grays a control or a group of controls. During this operation, an animation can be performed on the controls.
ControlInfoXY Returns the name of the control located at a given position.
ControlInOutReason Indicates the origin of the entry in the control.
ControlInvisible Makes a control (or a group of controls) invisible in a window. During this operation, an animation can be performed on the controls.
ControlNext Identifies the next control in edit.
ControlNoSpace Specifies whether the space characters on the right of the value found in the control are deleted.
ControlOver Identifies the control hovered by the mouse cursor.
ControlPane Returns the name of the static or dynamic pane found in a Tab control associated with a control.
ControlPopupOwner Identifies the control on which the popup menu was opened.
ControlPrevious Specifies the name of the control that was in edit before the current control.
ControlTab Returns the name of the Tab control that contains the specified control.
ControlToSource Assigns the control value to the source of a control link.
ControlTypeInfo Returns the icon corresponding to the specified type of control
ControlVisible Makes a control (or a group of controls) visible in a window. During this operation, an animation can be performed on the controls.
Conversion Converts a value from a unit to another one.
Convert Converts a numeric value into a binary string in order to perform a search on a numeric key.
CookieRead Retrieves the value of a cookie saved on the computer of the Web user.
CookieWrite Writes a cookie onto the computer of the Web user.
CoordinateEditorToScreen Converts a size or a position specified in the reference dpi in the editor (160 dpi) to the native dpi of the screen on the device where the application is run.
CoordinateScreenToEditor Converts a size or a position specified in the native dpi of the screen on the device where the application is run to the reference dpi in the editor (160 dpi).
Cos Calculates the cosine of an angle.
CoTan Calculates the cotangent of an angle.
Count Returns the number of occurrences of a control in a window, in a page or in a group of controls.
CreateShortcut Creates a shortcut on the Windows desktop, in the "Start" menu of Windows or in a specific directory
CriticalSectionEnd Marks the end of a critical section: the code will be run by another thread.
CriticalSectionStart Marks the start of a critical section: no other thread will be able to run the code as long as the current thread does not exit from the critical section.
Crypt Encrypts a character string in binary format or in ASCII format.
CryptStandard Encrypts a character string or a binary buffer by using a symmetrical encryption algorithm (AES, DES, etc.)
CSVToArray Fills a one- or two-dimensional array of the specified type with the character string in CSV format passed in parameter.
CurrentColumn Returns:
  • the subscript of the current subscripted column in a memory Table or in a browsing Table control.
  • the number of the column currently in edit in the specified browsing Table or memory Table control
CurrentMonth Returns the current month.
CurrentPage Returns the name of the page containing the WLanguage code currently run.
CurrentSubscript Depending on the specified control, returns:
  • the number of the current row displayed in the current Table control,
  • the number of the option with focus in a check box control,
  • the number of the current row in the current Looper control,
  • the subscript of the current subscripted control.
CurrentTitle Modifies the title of the current window (returned by CurrentWin) and the title bar.
CurrentWin Identifies the window currently in edit.
CurrentYear Returns the current year in integer format
CursorCapture Directs all the events associated with the mouse toward a specific window or control, regardless of the screen object where the mouse event occurs.
CursorDisplay Displays or hides the mouse cursor.
CursorPos Returns and modifies the position of the mouse cursor.
dAlphaBlend Blends an image inside another image. This allows you to create fade-in effects between 2 images. This function handles the Image controls and the Image variables
dArc Draws an arc of circle or an arc of ellipse
  • in an Image control,
  • in an Image variable
DashAddWidget Adds and displays a Widget (internal window) in a Dashboard control.
DashCount Returns the number of Widgets found in a Dashboard control.
DashDelete Deletes a Widget displayed in a Dashboard control. The Dashboard control is updated and a free location replaces the deleted Widget.
DashDeleteAll Deletes all the Widgets displayed in a Dashboard control.
DashDisplay Refreshes the display of the elements in a Dashboard control.
DashGetWidgetPosition Returns the position of a Widget found in a Dashboard control.
DashInfoXY Used to find out:
  • whether a Widget is found at a given position in a Dashboard control.
  • which Widget is found at a given position in a Dashboard control.
DashInitialConfiguration Modifies the configuration of a Dashboard control (defined in the editor) before its first display.
DashLoadConfiguration Restores the configuration of a Dashboard control.
DashMode Opens or closes the "Edit" mode of a Dashboard control.
DashMoveWidget Changes the position of a widget found in a Dashboard control.
DashResizeWidget Changes the dimensions of a widget found in a Dashboard control.
DashSaveConfiguration Saves the configuration of a Dashboard control in string format.
DataType Identifies the type of a WLanguage variable.
DateDifference Calculates the number of days between two dates.
DatePicker Displays the system date picker.
DateSys Returns or modifies the system date (date of the day defined on the current computer).
DateTimeByDefault Used to define the default value of Date, Time and DateTime variables.
DateTimeDifference Calculates the difference between two dates and times.
DateTimeLocalToTimeZone Converts a local date and time into the date and time of a time zone.
DateTimeLocalToUTC Converts a date and a time expressed in local time (time zone, summer time, winter time) into a date and time expressed in universal time (UTC).
DateTimeTimeZoneToLocal Converts a date and a time expressed in a time zone into local date and time.
DateTimeToReal Converts a date and time into an 8-byte real.
DateTimeUTCToLocal Converts a date and a time expressed in universal time (UTC) into a date and time expressed in local time (time zone, summer time, winter time).
DateTimeValid Checks the validity of a date/time included between January 01 0001 at 0 hour 0 minute 0 second 0 hundredth of a second and December 31 9999 at 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds 99 hundredths of a second.
DateToDay Returns the day corresponding to a given date.
DateToDayInAlpha Returns the spelled-out day of the week corresponding to the specified date.
DateToInteger Transforms a date into an integer.
DateToMonthInAlpha Spells out the month corresponding to the specified date.
DateToString Formats
  • the specified date to the specified format.
  • the specified date time to the specified format
DateToWeekNumber Returns the number of the week corresponding to the specified date.
DateValid Checks the validity of a date found between January 01 0001 and December 31 9999.
DayNumberInAlpha Returns the name of the day of the week according to its number.
dBackground Declares the default background color for the rectangles, the circles, ... used
  • in an Image control,
  • in an Image variable].
dbgAssert Used to find out and signal the possible errors via an assertive programming.
dbgAuditOption Retrieves or modifies the options of the dynamic audit.
dbgAuditStatus Retrieves and modifies the status of dynamic audit.
dbgCheckDifferent Checks whether the specified expressions are different in assertive programming and in automatic test mode.
dbgCheckEqual Checks whether the expressions are equal in assertive programming and in automatic test mode.
dbgCheckFalse Checks whether an expression is false in assertive programming and in automatic test mode.
dbgCheckNotNull Checks whether an expression is not Null in assertive programming and in automatic test mode.
dbgCheckNull Checks whether an expression is Null in assertive programming and in automatic test mode.
dbgCheckTrue Checks whether an expression is set to True in assertive programming and in automatic test mode.
dbgEnableAssert Enables or disables the assertive programming.
dbgEnableAudit Enables the dynamic audit by programming.
dbgEnableLog Enables the runtime log by programming.
dbgEndMemoryDiff Saves a memory dump containing the memory resources that have been allocated and that have not been freed since the previous call to dbgStartMemoryDiff.
dbgEndRecording Stops recording the scenario.
dbgError Provokes
  • an assertion during the test of the element or project (Go mode)
  • an error in automatic test mode
dbgInfo Returns a debug information.
dbgLogOption Retrieves or modifies the options of the runtime log.
dbgLogStatus Returns and modifies the status of runtime log.
dbgOnError Defines the WLanguage procedure that will be called whenever an error is detected by a function from the dbgCheckXXX family.
dbgSaveDebugDump Saves a debugging dump of the application.
dbgSaveMemoryDump Saves a dump of the memory used by the application.
dbgStandardOutput Writes an information into the standard output stream "stdout" (also called "console")
dbgStartMemoryDiff Starts a difference operation of the memory used by the application.
dbgStartRecording Starts recording a test scenario (also called reproduction scenario).
dbgWriteCommentAudit Writes a comment into the current dynamic audit
dbgWriteWarningAudit Writes a custom runtime warning into the dynamic audit.
dBorder Draws a border.
dChangeMode Changes the drawing mode used by the drawing functions (dLine, dRectangle, ....).
dChord Draws the chord of a circle (intersection between an ellipse and a straight line)
  • in an Image control,
  • in an Image variable].
dCircle Draws a circle or an ellipse
  • in an Image control,
  • in an Image variable
dCopy Copies an image into another image.
dCopyBlt Copies an image
  • from an Image control into another Image control.
  • from an Image variable into another Image variable
dCopyScreenImage Copies the content of the screen into an Image variable or into an Image control.
dCopyWindowImage Copies the image of a WINDEV window into an Image variable or into an Image control.
dCrop Returns the cropped part of an image. This image is found in an Image variable
DDEConnect Establishes a DDE connection between the current program and the recipient according to a given topic.
DDEDisconnect Deletes a connection between the current program and a recipient.
DDEError Returns the runtime status report of a DDE function.
DDEEvent Associates a WLanguage procedure with a DDE event: when the DDE event occurs, the associated WLanguage procedure is automatically run.
DDEExecute Sends a command that will be run on the server.
DDEItem Identifies the item affected by a DDE event.
DDELink Creates a hot link with a data.
DDERecipient Identifies the recipient of a DDE connection.
DDERetrieve Retrieves a data sent by a program (the recipient of the connection for the specified object).
DDESend Sends a data to the program connected via DDE.
DDEStart Starts the execution of a program (an executable for example) from the current application.
DDEString Returns the information retrieved by DDERetrieve.
DDETopic Identifies the subject of the conversation associated with a DDE connection.
DDEUnLink Interrupts a link between an item and a data.
DDEUpdate Modifies a linked data.
DDEWarmLink Creates a warm link with a data.
dDisplay Displays the drawing in the Image control
DecimalPart Returns the decimal part of a number.
DecimalToSexagesimal Returns the sexagesimal angle (in base 60) corresponding to a decimal angle.
DeclareAWPContext Used to declare a list of variables whose value will be persistent between the successive displays of AWP pages.
DeclareWebserviceContext Used to declare a list of variables whose value will be persistent between the successive calls to a webservice.
Decode Decodes a character string that was encoded by Encode.
DelayBeforeClosing Limits the display duration of a window or dialog box.  If no user action is performed, when the specified amount of time is reached
  • for a window, the code of a window button will be run. 
  • for a dialog box, the dialog box is automatically closed.
Delete Deletes an element at a given position
  • from a one-dimensional WLanguage array
  • from an advanced array property (array of gglCalendar events, ...)
  • from an associative array
  • from a WLanguage list.
DeleteAll Deletes all the elements
  • from a one-dimensional or two-dimensional WLanguage array
  • from an associative array
  • from an advanced array property (array of gglCalendar events, ...)
  • from a WLanguage queue.
  • from a WLanguage stack
  • from a WLanguage list.
DeleteColumn Deletes a column at a given position from the advanced array property (array of events of gglCalendar, …).
DeleteLine Deletes a row at a given position
  • from a two-dimensional array
  • from the advanced array property (array of gglCalendar events, ...)
DeleteParameter Deletes a parameter (or a set of parameters) saved either by SaveParameter, or automatically via the persistence of data in the controls.
DeleteShortcut Deletes a shortcut previously created by CreateShortcut from the Windows desktop, from the "Start" menu of Windows or from a specific directory.
DeleteVoiceCommand Deletes a voice command that was added by AddVoiceCommand. From version 17, this function is replaced by SpeechRecognitionDeleteCommand.
dEncrustColor Encrusts a color in an image found in an Image variable].
dEndDrawing Frees the image from memory.
Dequeue Dequeues an element from a queue.
Deserialize Deserializes a buffer or a character string containing the data of a class, structure, array (including an associative array), queue, stack, list or advanced variable as well as their sub-elements.
dFill Colors an area
  • in an Image control,
  • in an Image variable].
dFont Declares the font that will be used by dText
  • in an Image control,
  • in an Image variable
dHalo Adds a halo effect on an image found in an Image variable].
dHorizontalSymmetry Performs an horizontal symmetry of an image found
  • in an Image control,
  • in an Image variable].
Dialog Displays a message box and returns the value of the button clicked by the user.
DictionaryLoad Indicates and loads the dictionary corresponding to a given language.
diffApply Applies a difference buffer to a specific buffer.
diffCreate Compares two buffers and creates a buffer containing the differences between these two buffers.
dImageToArray Copies the RGB pixels of the image into a one-dimensional or two-dimensional array. The array of colors is cleared then it is filled with the integers representing the colors (24 bits) of the image
Dimension Returns the size of a variable (string, numeric, array, ...) or resizes a dynamic array.
dInvertColor Reverses the colors
  • of an Image control,
  • of an Image variable].
DisableAAF Disables an Automatic Application Feature (AAF) on a control, on a window or on the current application.
dLine Draws a line
  • in an Image control,
  • in an Image variable].
dLoadImage Loads an image in an Image variable from a memo, a file or a binary buffer.
dModifyHSL Modifies the hue, the saturation and the lightness of an image found
  • in an Image control,
  • in an Image variable].
dModifyHue Modifies the hue of an image found
  • in an Image control,
  • in an Image variable
dModifyLightness Changes the lightness of an image found
  • in an Image control,
  • in an Image variable].
dModifyOpacity Modifies the opacity of an image (which means the alpha layer of the image)
dModifySaturation Modifies the saturation of an image found
  • in an Image control,
  • in an Image variable].
DnDAccept Indicates the action accepted by the target of Drag/Drop and manages the mouse cursor during Drag/Drop.
DnDCacheDashElement Adds a Widget into a Dashboard control during Drag and Drop.
DnDCacheData Indicates the type of data and the data to copy/move during Drag/Drop.
DnDCursor Manages the mouse cursor and specifies the action allowed during Drag and Drop.
DnDEvent Indicates the procedure to run during an event of Drag/Drop.
DnDForce DnDForce is kept for backward compatibility.
DnDGetData Retrieves a specific type of data during Drag/Drop.
DnDIsDataAvailable Checks whether a specific type of data is available during Drag/Drop.
DNSAddAddress Adds an IP/Name relation into the DNS server.
DNSDeleteAddress Deletes a Name/IP Address relation from a DNS server.
DNSListAddress Lists the IP addresses associated with a name in the DNS server.
DocAdd Adds at the end of a Word Processing document:
  • an element,
  • a document,
  • a paragraph,
  • a text,
  • an image,
  • a fragment.
DocClose Closes a docx file and frees the document.
DocEndModification Signals the end of grouping for a set of operations in a single event (management of "undo/redo").
DocExitEdit Exits from the current edit. The entry in edit was performed by DocGoIntoEdit.
DocGoIntoEdit Enters in edit in the Word Processing control in a specific document section: body, header or footer.
DocInsert Inserts an object into a Word Processing document or replacs the content of current fragment. The objects that can be used are
  • an element,
  • a document,
  • a paragraph,
  • a text,
  • an image,
  • a fragment.
DocInsertTable Inserts a table into a Word Processing document.
DocOpen Opens a Word Processing file (docx format) in Read/Write mode. The docx file is opened and locked until it is closed.
DocPosition Triggers the scroll of the Word Processing control in order for the requested text to be entirely displayed.
DocPrint Prints a document in "docx" format.
DocRedo Restores the last action canceled on a Word Processing document.
DocRedoOccurrence Returns the number of canceled actions that can be redone on a Word Processing document.
DocReplace Finds and replaces all the occurrences of a character string by another string in a Word Processing document.
DocSave Saves a document in "docx" format.
DocSeek Seeks a character string in a Word Processing document.
DocSelect Selects a fragment in a Word Processing control.
DocStartModification Signals the start of grouping for a set of operations in a single event (management of "undo/redo").
DocToHTML Converts a Word Processing document into an HTML file.
DocToImage Exports a page found in a Word Processing document in image format.
DocToPDF Converts a Word Processing document into a PDF file.
DocToText Creates a character string from the data
  • found in a Word Processing control or in a Word Processing document
  • found in a paragraph of a Word Processing control.
DocUndo Cancels the last action performed on a Word Processing document.
DocUndoOccurrence Returns the number of actions that can be canceled on a document.
DocUndoRedoDeleteAll Deletes the entire history of Undo/Redo mechanism for a Word Processing document.
DomoClose Closes the communication opened by DomoOpen.
DomoOpen Used to establish a connection with a X10 interface.
DomoSend Sends a command to one or more electrical devices compatible with the X10 protocol.
DomoStatus Used to find out whether an electrical device (compatible with the X10 protocol) is switched on or off.
DomoSwitchOff Switches off one or more electrical devices compatible with the X10 protocol.
DomoSwitchOn Switches on one or more electrical devices compatible with the X10 protocol.
DotNetAddHeader Adds a header to the next procedure that will be run on the server.
DotNetDelegate Initializes a.NET delegate.
DotNetError Returns the error for the last .Net procedure that failed.
DotNetGetResult Returns the result of the last .Net procedure that was successfully run.
DotNetRun Runs a procedure on a .Net server.
DotNetRunXML Runs a procedure on a server for .Net XML Web services.
DotNetVersion Returns the version number of the .Net Framework available on the current computer.
dPen Declares the default color and style for the lines, the rectangles, the circles, ... found
  • in an Image control,
  • in an Image variable].
dPixelColor Identifies the color of a pixel found
  • in an Image control,
  • in an Image variable].
dPixelOpacity Identifies the opacity of a pixel in an image that supports the Alpha layer. This image can be
  • an Image control,
  • an Image variable
dPoint Draws a point
  • in an Image control,
  • in an Image variable].
dPolygon Draws a polygon
  • in an Image control,
  • in an Image variable
DrawingAvailable Indicates whether the drawing features are supported by the browser
DrawingStyle Allows you to find out and modify:
  • the display mode of grayed buttons found in the windows of your application.
  • the display mode of translucent border for the windows of your application.
  • the mode for loading huge images.
dRectangle Draws a rectangle
  • in an Image control,
  • in an Image variable].
dRectangleGradient Draws a rectangle
  • in an Image control,
  • in an Image variable].
dResize Resizes an image found
  • in an Image control,
  • in an Image variable
dRotation Performs a rotation
  • of an Image control,
  • of an image found in an Image variable
dRoundedRectangle Draws a rounded rectangle:
  • in an Image control,
  • in an Image variable.
dSaveImage dSaveImage is kept for backward compatibility.
dSaveImageBMP Saves an image:
  • in a file in BMP format.
  • in memory.
dSaveImageGIF Saves an image:
  • in a file in GIF format.
  • in memory.
dSaveImageICO Saves an image in icon format either in a file, or in memory.
dSaveImageJPEG Saves an image:
  • in a file in JPEG format.
  • in memory.
dSaveImagePNG Saves an image:
  • in a file in PNG format.
  • in memory
dSaveImageTIFF Saves an image in TIFF format into a file or memory.
dShadow Adds a shadow effect on an image found in an Image variable].
dSlice Draws a circle section or an ellipse section
  • in an Image control,
  • in an Image variable].
dStartDrawing Indicates that the drawing functions that will be used are intended for
  • the specified Image control,
  • the specified Image variable.
dText Draws a text
  • in an Image control,
  • in an Image variable].
dTextRTF Draws an RTF text:
  • in an Image control,
  • in an Image variable].
dTransferToImage Creates an image from a buffer of pixels encoded in a specific format This function is an advanced function. This function is mainly used to handle the images returned by external APIs via Image variables
DurationToString Formats the specified duration into the specified format.
dVerticalSymmetry Performs a vertical symmetry of an image found
  • in an Image control,
  • in an Image variable].
DynamicServingConfigure Indicates the environment that will be used by the "Dynamic Serving" to choose the set of pages to display.
DynamicSiteDisplay Starts a dynamic WEBDEV site from a static page or or from a dynamic WEBDEV page.
Easter Returns the date of Easter for the specified year according to the western Christian calendar.
eChangeCurrency Converts a currency into another currency.
eCurrencyName Returns the caption of a currency.
eDefaultMemCurrency Identifies or modifies the stored currency used by default.
eDefaultViewCurrency Identifies or modifies the display currency used by default.
eExchangeRate Returns the value of the exchange rate for a currency.
eInitCurrency Adds or modifies the characteristics of a currency in the exchange table of currencies.
EmailAddFolder Adds a folder into the messaging software (Outlook, messaging software using the IMAP protocol (Internet Message Access Protocol), ...).
EmailBuildSource Generates the source code of the outgoing email from the variables currently found in the email structure or in an Email variable].
EmailChangeFolder Modifies the current folder in the messaging software (Outlook, messaging software using the IMAP protocol, ...).
EmailChangeStatus Changes the status of an email on a messaging server.
EmailCheckAddress Checks the validity of an email address.
EmailCloseSession Closes a session for email management according to the selected mode (SMTP/POP3, IMAP, MS Exchange, Pocket Outlook or Lotus Notes)
EmailConfigure Used to configure the WLangage functions for email management.
EmailCopy Copies an email found in a directory to another directory of an IMAP server.
EmailCurrentFolder Returns the name of the current folder in the messaging software (Outlook, messaging software using the IMAP protocol (Internet Message Access Protocol), ...).
EmailDeleteMessage Used to delete the current email according to the current protocol (POP3, IMAP, MS Exchange, Pocket Outlook, Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging)
EmailExpunge Destroys all the deleted emails marked as deleted ("Deleted" status) from the current folder of an IMAP session.
EmailGetAll Retrieves all the emails found on a server.
EmailGetIndicator Retrieves the indicators defined on an email of an IMAP session.
EmailGetTimeOut Reads the value of the "time-out" for connecting to the SMTP, POP3 and IMAP messaging servers
EmailImportHTML Imports, into the Email structure or into an Email variable, the content of an HTML file in order to send it by email.
EmailImportSource Fills an Email variable from the content of its ..Source property or the different variables of the email structure from the content of the Email.Source variable.
EmailListFolder Returns the list of folders
  • found in the Outlook messaging software
  • for an IMAP session
EmailLoadAttachment Adds an attached file to an email.
EmailMessageLength Calculates the size of the specified message (without loading the message).
EmailMsgError Returns the message corresponding to the error identifier
EmailNbMessage Returns the number of incoming messages currently found:
  • on the email server (POP3 protocol only).
  • in the Outlook messaging software
EmailOpenMail Opens the default messaging software
  • of the Web user on the browser computer.
  • of the user on the current Windows computer.
  • on the phone
EmailProgressBar Manages a progress bar while sending and receiving emails.
EmailReadFirst Reads the first incoming email according to the protocol used (POP3 or IMAP, MS Exchange, Lotus Notes or Outlook)
EmailReadFirstHeader Reads the header of the first incoming email according to the protocol used (POP3 or IMAP, Lotus Notes or Outlook).
EmailReadLast Reads the last incoming email according to the protocol used (POP3 or IMAP, MS Exchange, Lotus Notes or Outlook)
EmailReadLastHeader Reads the header of the last incoming email according to the protocol used (POP3 or IMAP, Lotus Notes or Outlook)
EmailReadMessage Reads an incoming according to the protocol used (POP3 or IMAP, Lotus Notes or Outlook)
EmailReadMessageHeader Reads the header of an incoming email according to the protocol used (POP3 or IMAP, Lotus Notes or Outlook)
EmailReadNext Reads the incoming email found after the current email according to the protocol (POP3 or IMAP, MS Exchange, Lotus Notes or Outlook)
EmailReadNextHeader Reads the header of the email found after the current email according to the protocol used (POP3 or IMAP, Lotus Notes or Outlook).
EmailReadPrevious Reads the email found before the current email according to the protocol used (POP3 or IMAP, MS Exchange, Lotus Notes or Outlook)
EmailReadPreviousHeader Reads the header of the email found before the current email according to the protocol used (POP3 or IMAP, Lotus Notes or Outlook).
EmailRemoveFolder Deletes a folder from the Outlook messaging software or from an IMAP server.
EmailReset Re-initializes all the variables of the email structure or all the variables of an Email variable
EmailRunApp Starts the native application for sending emails found on the current computer
  • Computer running Windows,
  • Mobile device (Android, iPhone, iPad)
EmailSaveAttachment Copies the attachment of the current email to the user computer (locally).
EmailSeekFirst Finds one or more emails according to the criteria specified in the messaging software (Outlook, messaging software using the IMAP protocol, ...).
EmailSeekFirstNotes Seeks one or more emails according to specified criteria, in a local or remote Lotus Notes or Domino database.
EmailSend Sends an email via the SMTP protocol while controlling the "buffer" of the email.
EmailSendMessage Sends an email according to the protocol used (SMTP, MS Exchange, Pocket Outlook, Lotus Notes, Outlook)
EmailSetTimeOut Changes the value of the "time-out" for connecting to the SMTP, POP3 and IMAP messaging servers.
EmailStartIMAPSession Starts a session for receiving and reading emails with the IMAP protocol.
EmailStartNotesSession Used to access the data handled by the Lotus Notes messaging (emails, contacts, groups of contacts, tasks, appointments).
EmailStartOutlookSession Used to access the data handled by the Outlook messaging software (emails, contacts, groups of contacts, tasks, appointments and folders).
EmailStartPOP3Session Starts a session for receiving and reading emails with the POP3 protocol.
EmailStartSession Starts a session for email management according to the selected management mode (POP3, SMTP, IMAP, MS Exchange or Pocket Outlook)
EmailStartSMTPSession Starts a session for sending emails with the SMTP protocol.
EmailStatus Returns the status of an email sent via an SMTP session started in asynchronous mode
EmailUpdate Updates the messages of MS Exchange according to the email server.
EmulateActionBar Emulates an Action Bar during the automatic tests run on a mobile device (Android or iOS).
EmulateCheckBox Emulates the selection of an option in a Check Box control.
EmulateConfirm Emulates the next call to Confirm and automatically clicks the button passed in parameter.
EmulateDialog Emulates the next call to Dialog and automatically clicks the button passed in parameter.
EmulateError Emulates the next call to Error and automatically clicks the "OK" button.
EmulateInfo Emulates the next call to Info and automatically clicks the "OK" button.
EmulateInput Performs an input by emulation in a control while checking whether this control is an editable control.
EmulateMenu Emulates the next menu that will be opened and automatically runs the menu option passed in parameter.
EmulateMouse Simulates a mouse event (left click, right click, double click, ...).
EmulateOKCancel Emulates the next call to OKCancel and automatically clicks the button passed in parameter.
EmulatePane Emulates the selection of a pane in a Tab, Ribbon or Sidebar control.
EmulatePaneDock Emulates the integration of an undocked pane in the associated dynamic Tab control.
EmulatePaneUndock Emulates the undocking of a pane in a dynamic Tab control.
EmulateRadioButton Emulates the selection of an option in a Radio Button control.
EmulateSimulator Emulates the window of the mobile (Android/iOS) simulator.
EmulateSpeed Defines the runtime speed for the emulating functions.
EmulateWarning Emulates the next call to Warning and automatically clicks the "OK" button.
EmulateWindow Indicates the test that will be run during the next window opening.
EmulateYesNo Emulates the next call to YesNo and automatically clicks the button specified in parameter.
Encode Encodes a character string or a buffer. To decode the result, all you have to do is use Decode.
EndAutomatedProcedure Stops the current or forthcoming execution of an automatic procedure (defined by the properties of the procedure in the code editor).
EndEvent Cancels the interception of a Windows event on a WINDEV control or window (implemented by Event).
EndProgram Ends the execution of the current program.
EndService Ends the execution of the current service.
EndTimer Ends the execution of a timer triggered by Timer.
EndTimerSys Ends the execution of a timer triggered by TimerSys.
Enqueue Enqueues an element into a queue.
EnumControl Returns the name of the Nth control found in the specified element.
EnumElement Used to enumerate the project elements: windows, pages, reports, queries, ...
EnumerationCheckName Checks whether an enumeration value known by its name is valid.
EnumerationCheckValue Checks whether an enumeration value known by its associated value is valid.
EnumerationFromName Returns an enumeration value known by its name.
EnumerationFromValue Returns an enumeration value known by its associated value.
EnumMenu Returns:
  • the name of nth option or sub-option found in the main menu of window
  • the name of nth option or sub-option found in a custom popup menu (created with WINDEV or WINDEV Mobile).
EnumSubElement Used to enumerate the sub-elements of a project element.
eRoundDifference Returns the rounding difference between:
  • the value displayed in a "Currency + Euro" control,
  • the associated control used for dual display.
Error Displays a custom error message in a system error window.
ErrorBuild Displays a custom error message in a system error window.
ErrorChangeParameter Configures the automatic behavior that will be implemented if an error occurs in the current process.
ErrorInfo Retrieves information about the last error that occurred in a function of a WINDEV, WINDEV Mobile or WEBDEV component.
ErrorOccurred ErrorOccurred is a preset variable of WLanguage indicating the result of the last WLanguage function used.
ErrorPropagate Propagates a non-fatal error that can be processed by the calling code if the management of non-fatal errors was enabled for this code (in the code editor or by ErrorChangeParameter).
ErrorRestoreParameter Restores the error process of a process.
ErrorThrow Triggers a non-fatal error.
ErrorWithTimeout Displays a custom error message in a system error window for a set amount of time.
eToCurrency Converts a value expressed in Euro into another currency.
eToEuro Converts a value expressed in a specific currency into Euro.
EvaluateExpression Evaluates the value of an expression built in a character string
Event Intercepts a Windows event on a control, a group of controls or a WINDEV window.
EventChange Modifies the status of a signal.
EventClose Closes a synchronization signal between several threads.
EventCreate Creates a signal.
EventDestroy Explicitly destroys a signal.
EventOpen Opens a synchronization signal between several threads.
EventWait Locks the current thread while waiting for the specified signal to be opened.
ExceptionChangeParameter Configures the automatic behavior that will be implemented if an exception occurs in the current process.
ExceptionDisplay Displays the standard window of exceptions with the content of the current exception
ExceptionEnable Re-enables the current exception process if the exception was corrected.
ExceptionInfo Retrieves information about the current exception.
ExceptionPropagate Propagates an exception.
ExceptionRestoreParameter Restores the exception process of a process.
ExceptionThrow Artificially triggers the security mechanism of WLanguage by throwing an exception.
Execute Starts the execution of a process by programming.
ExecuteAAF Runs an Automatic Application Feature (AAF) on a control or window.
ExecuteAncestor When the code is overloaded, used to run the process of the template corresponding to the process of the current control.
ExecuteCode Runs the WLanguage code found in a character string.
ExecuteDelayedProcedure Runs a delayed procedure (in the WEBDEV application server).
ExecuteMainThread Triggers the execution of the procedure specified in the main thread of the application.
ExecutePresetAction Runs a preset action of WINDEV.
ExecuteProcess Starts the execution of a process by programming (which means without any particular action performed by the user).
ExecuteUpdateUI Immediately runs the "Request for refreshing the display" process of window or internal window.
ExecuteUpdateUIParent Immediately runs the "Request for refreshing the display" process of parent.
ExecutionMode Used to:
  • find out and/or modify the behavior of the application or site when some errors are generated
  • optimize the calls to the functions declared externally
  • find out and/or modify how the JITc technology is used by the application
  • find out and/or modify the management mode of low references for all the instantiated objects.
ExeGetPID Returns information about the current process.
ExeInfo Retrieves the specified information about the version of an executable or DLL.
ExeListDLL Returns the list of libraries (".DLL" files) used by one of the applications currently run
ExeListProcess Returns the list of applications currently run.
ExePriority Returns or modifies the priority of an application currently run.
ExeRemoteRun Starts from the current application the execution of a remote program.
ExeRun Starts the execution of a program (an executable for example) from the current application.
ExeRunning Used to find out whether a 32-bit application is already run.
ExeTerminate Ends the execution of a 32-bit application on the current computer: all the instances of the executable are killed.
Exp Calculates the exponential of a numeric value (reverse of Napierian logarithm).
ExplorerAccept Enables or disables the ability to perform "Drag and Drop" from the Windows explorer to a WINDEV window or control.
ExplorerRetrieve Retrieves the number and the name of the files "dropped" from the explorer
ExtractLine Extracts a specific line from a character string.
ExtractString Used to:
  • extract a sub-string from a character string according to a given string separator.
  • browse the sub-strings in a character string according to a given string separator.
Factorial Returns the factorial of an integer number.
fAddBuffer Adds the content of a buffer at the end of a file.
fAddText Adds the content of a character string at the end of a file.
fAttribute Returns or modifies the attributes of a file.
fAttributeReadOnly Specifies whether a text file is read-only and changes the read-only attribute of a file.
FaxConnect Establishes a connection to a fax server.
FaxDelete Deletes a fax from the spooler and cancels it.
FaxDisconnect Closes a connection to a fax server (established beforehand by FaxConnect).
FaxInbox Enumerates the pending faxes or the incoming faxes.
FaxOutbox Enumerates the pending faxes or the outgoing faxes.
FaxPause Pauses a fax in the spooler.
FaxRestart Restarts a fax in the spooler.
FaxResume Re-enables a fax paused in the spooler (pending fax).
FaxSend Sends a fax according to the connection that was established beforehand (FaxConnect).
FaxStatus Returns the status of a fax that was sent by FaxSend.
FBGetUserInformation Retrieves the Facebook information of the connected user.
FBRequest Performs a communication request (HTTP request) to the Facebook Graph API.
FBSessionStatus Checks the status of a Facebook session.
FBStartSession Used to authentificate and to connect to Facebook.
FBStopSession Stops the Facebook session that was started by FBStartSession.
fBuildPath Builds a complete file path from the directory and short name of a file. This function is mainly used to get a valid file name without having to worry about the presence of separators in the path ('/' or '\') or about their direction according to the platform
fCacheDir Returns the path of the directory that will be used to store the data in cache on the internal storage space of the application.
fChangeSize Resizes an external file.
fClose Closes an external file.
fCompare Compares the content of two files bit by bit.
fCompress Compresses a file.
fCopyDir Copies the content of a directory and possibly the content of its sub-directories.
fCopyFile Copies one or more files (regardless of their attributes).
fCopyFileWebFolder Copies an image file from the data directory of the application (or from one of its sub-directories) to the "_WEB" directory of the application (or to one of its sub-directories).
fCreate Creates an external file.
fCreateLink Creates a link on a file at the specified location.
fCrypt Encrypts a file in binary or ASCII format.
fCurrentDir Identifies or modifies the current directory.
fCurrentDrive Returns or modifies the current disk.
fDataDir Returns the full path of the directory of HFSQL data files specified by the user when installing the application.
fDataDirCommon Returns a directory path for the shared data of the current application
  • between all the users of the computer
  • between all the TSE users
This directory can be used without restriction in Windows XP, Vista, ... This directory is used to store: 
  • the files for the general configuration of the application (.INI files, .XML files, ...)
  • the data files common to all the users (HFSQL.fic, .ndx and.mmo files).
fDataDirUser Returns a directory path for the data of the current user of the current application.
fDate Returns or modifies the different dates associated with a file or directory (creation, modification or access).
fDateTime Returns or modifies the different dates and times associated with a file or a directory (creation, modification or access).
fDelete Deletes a file accessible from the current computer.
fDeleteFileWebFolder Deletes an image file from the "_WEB" directory of the application (or from one of its sub-directories).
fDetectRemovableStorage Detects whether a removable storage unit (CD, USB key, USB camera, ...) was added or removed.
fDir Finds a file or a directory.
fDirAttrib fDirAttrib is only kept for backward compatibility.
fDirAttribute Returns or modifies the attributes of a directory.
fDirectoryExist Checks the existence of a directory.
fDirExist Checks the existence of a directory.
fDirSize Returns the size of a directory in bytes.
fDriveInfo Returns information about a disk.
fDriveReady Used to find out:
  • whether the floppy drive is ready,
  • whether the disk exists.
fExeDir Returns the directory from which the execution is started.
fExtractPath Returns the different elements of a path: disk, directories, name and extension of the file.
fExtractResource Extracts a resource from the application into a physical location of the device.
fFileExist Checks the existence of an external file.
fFind Finds a character string or a buffer in a file opened by fOpen.
fGlobalDirCommon Returns a directory path for the global data of the current application (data shared among several applications), regardless of the current user.
fGlobalDirUser Returns a directory path for the global data of the current application (data shared between several applications), for the current user.
fGraphicFilter Returns the list of image formats supported by the current platform, in the format expected by the filter of fSelect.
FileDisplay Displays a file in the browser of the Web user.
FileToArray Fills an array of classes or structures with the content of a HFSQL data file or query.
FileToMemory Automatically initializes the values of the members found in a class or in a structure with the values of the items of the current file record.
FileToMemoryList Fills a memory list box or combo box with all the records found in a data file or in a query.
FileToMemoryTable Fills a "Memory table" control with all the records found in a data file, a HFSQL view or a query (query created in the query editor or by HExecuteSQLQuery).
FileToPage Automatically initializes the controls of a page with:
  • the values of the associated items in the current record (loaded in memory) of the data file described in the data model editor. This operation is performed regardless of the status of the controls (grayed, inactive or invisible).
  • the values of the associated WLanguage variables. This operation is performed regardless of the status of the controls (grayed, inactive or invisible).
FileToPalm Sends the current record found in a HyperFileSQL data file in memo format to the Notepad database of Palm Pilot.
FileToScreen Automatically initializes the controls found in a window or in a page with:
  • the values of the associated items in the current record (loaded in memory) of the data file described in the data model editor. This operation is performed regardless of the status of the controls (grayed, inactive or invisible).
  • the values of the associated WLanguage variables. This operation is performed regardless of the status of the controls (grayed, inactive or invisible)
Filter ..Filter is used to find out and modify the characteristics of a filter.
fImageSelect Opens the image picker of Windows.
FinCurrentVal Returns the current value of an investment.
FinDecreasingRedemption Calculates the amortization value of a good over a specific period of time, via the formula for fixed-rate decreasing amortization.
FinError Returns the number of the last error caused by a Finxxx function (financial functions).
FinFutureVal Returns the future value of an investment.
FinInterestRate Calculates the interest rate for a loan over a given period of time with fixed payments.
FinLinearRedemption Calculates the value of linear amortization of a good over a specific period of time.
FinNetCurrentVal Returns the net current value of an investment.
FinPaymentNb Returns the number of payments required to pay off a capital according to a given rate.
FinPeriodInterest Calculates for a given period the amount of interests due for a loan paid off by fixed periodic payments with a fixed interest rate.
FinRedemption Creates an amortization matrix for a fixed-rate loan over a defined period of time.
FinRepayVal Returns the amount of each regular payment for an investment with fixed interest rate and fixed payment.
FirstDayOfMonth Returns the first day of the month
FirstDayOfWeek Returns the date of the first day of the week (which means Monday)
FirstDayOfYear Returns the date of the first day of the year.
fIsImage Used to find out whether a file found on disk or a file contained in a buffer corresponds to an image format recognized by WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile.
fListDirectory Lists the sub-directories of a given directory and returns the list of sub-directories.
fListDisk Returns the list of disks installed on the computer.
fListFile Lists the files found in a directory and returns the list of files.
fListResource Lists the resources integrated to the application.
fLoadBuffer Loads the content of an external file (text, image, ...) in a buffer variable.
fLoadText Loads the content of a text file into any text control or text variable (string variable, edit control in a window, Static control in a report, ...).
fLock Entirely or partially locks an external file.
fLongName Returns the long name of a file or directory.
fLongPath Returns the full long path of a file or directory.
fMakeDir Creates a directory (and the intermediate directories if necessary).
fMakeDir_55 fMakeDir_55 is kept for backward compatibility.
fMemExist Checks the existence of a shared memory zone.
fMemOpen Opens a memory zone shared between several applications.
fMemWait Waits for the end of process about the notifications of modification of a shared memory zone.
fMerge Merges several files into a single one.
fMoveDir Moves a directory and its content.
fMoveFile Moves a file from a directory into another one.
fNameOfFile Returns the name of an external file that is currently opened.
FolderData FolderData is kept for backward compatibility.
FolderWeb Returns the path of the directory containing:
  • the images
  • the Javascript files
  • the Java applet files
  • the other files accessible from the browser
FolderWeb Caution: when migrating a project from WEBDEV 1.5 to WEBDEV 17
  • FolderWeb was replaced by FolderWeb_15
  • a warning is automatically generated in your project.
FontCreate Creates a font definition.
FontList Returns the list of valid fonts installed on the current computer (TrueType, Postscript, ...).
FontSelect Opens the standard window for font selection and selects the specified font.
fOpen Opens an external file (ANSI or UNICODE) in order to handle it by programming.
fOpenTempFile Creates and opens a temporary file.
fParentDir Returns the path of the parent directory for the specified directory.
FramesetDisplay Displays a WEBDEV frameset in the browser of the Web user.
FramesetRefresh Refreshes a frameset displayed in the browser of the Web user from the context found on the server.
FramesetUse Displays a WEBDEV frameset in the browser of Web user and closes all the current page and frameset contexts.
fRead Reads:
  • a block of bytes (characters) in an external file (ANSI or Unicode),
  • the content of an external file (ANSI or Unicode) and assigns it to a memory zone.
fReadLine Reads a line in an external file (in ANSI or UNICODE format).
fReadLineRegularExpression Reads a line in an external file and retrieves in variables the sections of this line according to a regular expression.
FreeAWPContext Frees the AWP context in advance (on disk) to allow the other call on the same AWP context to be processed in parallel.
FreeDLL Frees the 32-bit library (DLL) that was loaded in memory by LoadDLL.
FreeDLL The FreeDLL keyword can correspond to
fRemoveDir Deletes a directory from a disk.
fRename Modifies the name of a file.
fReportsAndQueriesDir Returns:
  • the full path of the directory for the custom reports and queries. This directory corresponds to the directory of the reports and queries visible by the user who created them.
  • the full path of the directory for the shared reports and queries. This directory corresponds to the directory of the reports and queries visible by all the application users.
fResourceDir Returns the path of the read-only resources of the application.
fSaveBuffer Creates and fills a text file with the content of a string or buffer variable.
fSaveText Creates and fills a text file with the content of a text control or text variable (string variable, edit control in a window, Static control in a report, ...).
fSeek Returns and modifies the current position in an external file.
fSelect Opens the Windows file picker.
fSelectDir Opens a directory picker.
fSep Returns the separator of directory according to the current platform ('\' or '/')
fSeparator Returns a file path with normalized separators.
fShortName Returns the short name of a file or directory.
fShortPath Returns the full short path of a file or directory.
fSize Returns the size of a file (in bytes).
fSizeUncompressed Returns the size of a file before compression. When a file is decompressed by fUncompress, we recommend that you to compare the non-compressed size of the file with the available disk space.
fSplit Splits a file into several files.
fStopCompress Stops the operation used to compress or decompress a file.
fTempDir Returns the name of the directory used to store the temporary files.
fTempFile Returns the name of a unique temporary file.
fTempPath Returns the name of the directory used to store the temporary files.
fTime Returns or modifies the different times associated with a file or with a directory (creation, modification or access).
FTPAttribute Identifies the attributes of a file found on an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol).
FTPCommand Sends a specific FTP command to a server.
FTPConnect Connects the current computer to an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol).
FTPCurrentDir Identifies or modifies the current directory on an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol).
FTPDate Returns the different dates (creation, modification or access) associated with a file found on an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol).
FTPDateTime Returns the different dates and times (creation, modification or access) associated with a file found on an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol).
FTPDeleteFile Deletes a file from an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol).
FTPDisconnect Closes the connection between the current computer and the FTP server (File Transfer Protocol).
FTPFileExist Checks the existence of a file on an FTP server
FTPGet Transfers a file or directory from an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server to the current computer.
FTPListFile Lists the files (and/or the directories) found in a directory of an FTP server and returns the number of listed files (and/or directories).
FTPMakeDir Creates a directory on an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol).
FTPName Returns the name of the last file accessed by an FTP function (File Transfer Protocol).
FTPParameter Modifies the behavior of standard FTP functions.
FTPProxy Specifies whether the communication functions that use the FTP protocol must go through a proxy to run their requests.
FTPRemoveDir Deletes a directory and its content (files and sub-directories) from an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol).
FTPRenameFile Renames or moves a file found on an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol).
FTPSend Transfers a file or directory to an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol).
FTPSize Returns the size (in bytes) of a file found on an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol).
FTPTime Returns the different times (creation, modification or access) associated with a file found on an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol).
fTrackDirectory Detects the modifications performed on the content of a directory.
fTrackFile Triggers the tracking of a file.
fTrackStop Stops all current tracking of a file or directory.
fTrackStopAll Stops all the current tracking performed on the files and directories.
FullScreen Enables or disables the full-screen mode in the applications in Universal Windows 10 App mode.
FullScreenDisable Disables the "Full screen" mode of the browser
FullScreenEnable Switches the browser to "Full screen" mode. The browser occupies the entire screen
fUncompress Decompresses a file that was compressed by fCompress.
fUncrypt Decrypts a file that was encrypted by fCrypt.
fUnlock Entirely or partially unlocks an external file.
fWebDir Returns the physical name of the directory containing the images, the Javascript files and the Java files of the WEBDEV site.
fWrite Writes:
  • a character string into an external file.
  • a memory section.
fWriteLine Writes a line into a text file (in ANSI or UNICODE format).
GadgetCloseFlyout Closes the detailed popup in a Vista gadget.
GadgetDisplayFlyout Displays a page of the Vista gadget.
GadgetLoadParameter Loads a persistent value in a gadget.
GadgetSaveParameter Saves a persistent value in a gadget.
gAlignment Builds a sequence of characters containing an aligned text or an aligned image.
GanttAddHoliday Declares a new holiday period for a row in a Gantt Chart column found in a Table (or TreeView Table) control
GanttAddLink Creates an "End to Start" link between two tasks displayed in a Gantt Chart column found in a Table (or TreeView Table) control.
GanttAddTask Adds a task into a Gantt Chart column found in a Table (or TreeView Table) control.
GanttChangeMode Modifies the period (which means the number of days) displayed in a Gantt Chart column found in a Table (or TreeView Table) control.
GanttDateTimePosition Configures the first day and the first time displayed in a Gantt Chart column (found in a Table or TreeView Table control).
GanttDeleteAll Deletes all the tasks from a Gantt Chart column found in a Table (or TreeView Table) control.
GanttDeleteLink Deletes the links from a Gantt Chart column found in a Table (or TreeView Table) control.
GanttDeleteTask Deletes a task from a Gantt Chart column found in a Table (or TreeView Table) control.
GanttGetTask Retrieves a task from its identifier in a Gantt Chart column (found in a Table or TreeView Table control).
GanttListLink Lists the links found in a Gantt Chart column found in a Table (or TreeView Table) control.
GanttListTask Returns
  • the list of tasks included between two given dates in a Gantt Chart column,
  • all the tasks found in a Gantt Chart column,
  • a specific task (selected or hovered)
GanttOrganizeTask Reorganizes the tasks of a Gantt chart according to the constraints (dependencies and resources)
GanttTimeDisplayed Defines the time period displayed in a Gantt Chart column found in a Table (or TreeView Table) control.
GanttWorkingHour Overloads the working hours of a row in a Gantt Chart column found in a Table (or TreeView Table) control.
GanttWorkingWeekDay Indicates whether a day of the week is a working day in a Gantt Chart column found in a Table (or TreeView Table) control.
gARetrieve Describes the text value to display and to return when retrieving the value of an element found in a list box or in a combo box.
Gauge Displays a progress bar in the status bar of current window.
GaugeActivate Enables the refresh of an Ajax indicator.
GaugeDeactivate Stops the periodic refresh of an Ajax indicator.
GaugeExecute Starts a long browser process and makes an Ajax indicator move forward according to the progress of this process
gBackground Builds a sequence of characters used to define the display color (background color of a text, circle, rectangle, ...).
gBackgroundGradient Describes a display color in gradient mode.
gCircle Builds a sequence of characters containing a circle or an ellipse.
gClickableLink Adds a clickable link in a graphic string.
gCoord Builds a sequence of characters used to define the position of the writing cursor for a text.
GeneratePassword Automatically generates a password with specific characteristics (size, characters used, ...).
geoAzimuth Returns the direction represented by a position in relation to another one.
geoDistance Returns the distance between the two positions. This distance is expressed in meters by default
geoGetAddress Retrieves an address (or a list of addresses) corresponding to the description of a geographical location.
geoRunApp Starts the native mapping application of the device to display
  • a specific geographical position,
  • an itinerary between two positions.
geoTrackingDisable Disables the tracking of user positions for a WINDEV Mobile application.
geoTrackingEnable Enables the management of position tracking in a WINDEV Mobile application.
geoTrackingProcedure Defines the WLanguage procedure that will be called when the user position changes.
geoTrackingStatus Retrieves the status of the system for position tracking.
GestureCurrentPointer Returns the subscript of the pointer (finger or stylus) that triggered the call to a process specific to the multi-touch in an Image control.
GestureNbPointer Returns the number of pointers in contact with the screen.
GesturePosX Returns the horizontal position of the pointer (finger or stylus).
GesturePosY Returns the vertical position of the pointer (finger or stylus).
GetActiveObject Allows to use an Automation object already started on the current computer.
GetColor Allows you to get a set of harmonious colors without having to use a table of colors.
GetCountryList Returns the list of countries according to the ISO 3166-1 standard.
GetDefinition Retrieves the definition of the element type.
GetGUID Calculates a globally unique identifier (named "GUID").
GetIdentifier Calculates a unique identifier (integer) for an executable or for a session.
GetTypeDefinition Retrieves the description of a type identified by its name.
gFont Builds a sequence of characters describing the font that will be used for the text.
gFontBold Builds a sequence of characters used to specify whether the text that follows the call to this function is in bold or not.
gFontItalic Builds a sequence of characters used to specify whether the text that follows the call to this function is in italic or not.
gFontSize Builds a sequence of characters used to specify the size of the font for a text found in a graphic string.
gFontUnderlined Builds a sequence of characters used to specify whether the text that follows the call to this function is underlined or not.
GglAddressToCoordinates Retrieves the coordinates (latitude/longitude) of an address.
GglAnalyticsAddEvent Adds an event beside Google Analytics
GglAnalyticsAddException Adds an exception beside Google Analytics.
GglAnalyticsAddPage Adds a page beside Google Analytics.
GglAnalyticsAddSocialNetworkAction Adds a social network action beside Google Analytics.
GglAnalyticsAddTiming Adds a duration beside Google Analytics.
GglConnect Used to authenticate beside a Google server.
GglDelete Deletes data from the Google server.
GglDisconnect Disconnects the user from the Google services used. During the next re-connection, the authorizations linked to the Google services will be asked again.
GglFillAlbum Fills a Google Picasa album with the data corresponding to the requested options.
GglFillCalendar Fills a calendar that was retrieved beforehand: the events corresponding to the calendar are retrieved (some criteria may be specified).
GglFillCalendarByRequest Fills a calendar that was retrieved beforehand: the events corresponding to the calendar are retrieved from a custom query.
GglFillPhoto Retrieves the details about the photos found in a Google Picasa album: initial image, comments, tags, thumbnails.
GglGetAlbum Retrieves a Google Picasa album.
GglGetCalendar Retrieves a Google calendar and its events according to its title or identifier.
GglGetDocument Downloads a document from the Google Docs service.
GglGetLicense Returns the text of the license for using the Google libraries.
GglGetStaticMap Retrieves the map of a specific location via the Google Maps service.
GglListAlbum Retrieves the list of "Google Picasa" albums available for the user.
GglListCalendar Retrieves the list of Google calendars associated with the specified Google account.
GglListComment Retrieves:
  • the list of comments saved for the Google client account.
  • the list of comments associated with a photo found in a Google Picasa album.
GglListContact Retrieves the list of contacts associated with the specified Google account.
GglListContactByRequest Retrieves a list of contacts from custom parameters.
GglListContactGroup Retrieves the list of groups of contacts associated with the specified Google account.
GglListDocument Retrieves the list of documents available on the Google server for the current user.
GglListPhoto Lists the photos found in the Google Picasa albums corresponding to specific criteria.
GglListTag Retrieves:
  • the list of tags associated with a Google client account.
  • the list of tags associated with a Google Picasa album.
  • the list of tags associated with a photo found in a Google Picasa album.
GglPrintDocument Prints a document (text or PDF file, images, Word or Excel document, ...) by using the Cloud Print service of Google.
GglRequest Sends a communication request (HTTP request) to a Google service.
GglUploadDocument Sends a document to the Google server.
GglWrite Creates and/or updates data on the Google server (addition or modification of data).
gImage Builds a sequence of characters containing an image.
gImageExists Checks whether an image was loaded in memory.
gLine Builds a sequence of characters containing a line.
gLink Adds an "invisible" value into an element found in a List Box or Combo Box control.
gLinkActivate Allows (or not) to retrieve the value defined by gLink in a list box or in a combo box.
gPen Builds a sequence of characters used to describe the color of the text and/or the color of the shape outline (rectangle or circle).
GPSDetectPosition Asks to be notified when the device gets close to a given position.
GPSEnd Indicates the end of use of geo-localization functions
GPSFollowMovement Asks to be regularly notified about the current device position
GPSGetPosition Retrieves information about the current device position.
GPSInfo Returns the information about the localization provider used by the application for the geo-localization functions.
GPSInitParameter Initializes the parameters of the WLanguage functions for geo-localization and finds a localization provider.
GPSLastPosition Retrieves the information about the last known position of the device
GPSStatus Retrieves the activation status of the geo-localization provider or asks to be notified when the status changes.
GPSStopDetection Stops the detection of position that was started by GPSDetectPosition
gpwActivateUser Validates the creation of a new user in the database of user groupware by activating the user.
gpwAddUser Adds a user into the database of user groupware.
gpwCheckPassword Checks a password (encrypted or not).
gpwCheckUser Checks the existence and validity of the password for a user of the user groupware.
gpwConnectUser Connects a user to the user groupware.
gpwDisconnectUser Disconnects the current user from the user groupware
gpwEncryptedPasswords Used to find out whether the passwords of the user groupware are encrypted.
gpwEncryptPassword Returns the encrypted password.
gpwEnumControl Enumerates the controls found in a window or page.
gpwFindUser Retrieves the characteristics of a user of the user groupware.
gpwForgottenPassword Runs an action to retrieve or change the password of a user.
gpwGetFileInfo Retrieves the directory of the data files found in the user groupware
gpwGetLDAPInfo Retrieves the configuration of the LDAP server used for the user groupware
gpwGetRights Used to get the rights granted to a control, a window, a page or a report.
gpwGetUserInfo Retrieves information about the current user (application that is using the user groupware).
gpwImportLDAPUsers Imports the users stored in a LDAP directory into the user file of user groupware.
gpwInitAnalysis Initialize the analysis of user groupware.
gpwInLDAPMode Allows you to find out whether identification of users in the user groupware will be done via a LDAP directory.
gpwLogin Connects a user to an application that is using the user groupware
gpwMode Returns the runtime mode of the user groupware
gpwModifyUser Modifies a user in the database of user groupware.
gpwOpen Opens the login window or page of user groupware.
gpwOpenConfiguration Opens the window or page for configuring the user groupware.
gpwOpenConnection Opens a connection to a specific Client/Server database to manage the files of user groupware in Client/Server mode.
gpwOpenLDAPSession Informs the user groupware that the authentication of users will be done via a LDAP directory.
gpwOpenSite Allows you to start the site when using the user groupware.
gr3DSParameter Retrieves or modifies a parameter for drawing a chart in 3D spatial mode.
grAddData Adds a data into a chart.
grAutoRefreshCategoryLabel Identifies or defines whether the category labels are refreshed whenever the chart is drawn.
grAutoRefreshSeries Identifies or defines whether a series is refreshed whenever the chart is drawn.
grAxisPosition Indicates the position where one of the chart axes (X or Y coordinates) will be drawn.
grAxisTitle Defines the title of X axis and the title of Y axis in a chart.
grAxisTitleFont Modifies the font used for the titles of the chart axes.
grAxisVisible Enables or disables the display of axes in a Line or Column chart.
grBarColor Initializes the color of a specific bar in a Column or Stacked Column chart.
grCategoryColor Initializes the color of a category for a chart whose type is
  • Pie,
  • Column,
  • Bubble chart,
  • Waterfall.
grCategoryLabel Initializes the label of a data category (or section) in a chart.
grClearPict Erases the chart drawing (in an Image control or in a window).
grColor Returns and initializes the color of the different chart elements.
grColumnSpacing Indicates the spacing between each data category in a column chart or in a Minimum/Maximum stock chart.
grCreate Creates a specific type of chart.
grCreateFont grCreateFont is kept for backward compatibility.
grDeleteAll Erases a chart and destroys this chart.
grDeleteSeries Deletes a data series from a chart.
grDestinationBMP Defines a BitMap file as destination of a chart (BMP means BitMap).
grDestinationControl Defines an Image control as destination of a chart.
grDestinationEMF Defines a meta file as destination of a chart (EMF means Enhanced Meta File).
grDestinationImage Defines an Image variable as destination of a chart.
grDestinationWMF Defines a meta file as destination of a chart.
grDestinationWnd Defines a window as destination of a chart.
grDonutHolePercentage Modifies the percentage corresponding to the radius of the hole in a Donut chart.
grDraw Draws a chart according to the specified parameters.
gRectangle Builds a sequence of characters used to draw a rectangle.
grExist Checks the existence of a chart in memory.
grGetData Retrieves a data from a chart.
grGradient Enables or disables the display of color gradients in a chart.
grGraduate Indicates the step for the marks on the vertical/horizontal axis of a chart (which means the interval between two marks).
grGridlines Displays or hides the chart gridlines.
grHMAddData Adds a data into a Heatmap chart.
grHMCaptionX Modifies the caption of a category on the X axis of a Heatmap chart.
grHMCaptionY Modifies the caption of a category on the Y axis of a Heatmap chart.
grHMColor Specifies the colors of the different values in a Heatmap chart.
grHMDeleteColor Deletes the colors specified by grHMColor from a Heatmap chart.
grHMGetData Retrieves a data from a Heatmap chart.
grImageSize Defines the size of the image containing the chart.
grIncreaseData Adds a value to a data in a chart.
grInfoPoint Returns the screen coordinates of a point or the screen coordinates of a value found in a chart.
grInfoXY Returns information about the series found at a specific point of the chart.
grLabel Indicates various parameters of additional legend in a chart.
grLabelFont Modifies the font used for the category labels of a chart.
grLegend Indicates the presence and position of the legend in a chart.
grLegendFont Modifies the font used for the chart legend.
grLineThickness Retrieves and/or modifies the value of the line thickness in a line chart.
grLoadParameter Restores the parameters used to draw a chart.
grMask Formats the data displayed by grLabel or by grTooltip.
grMenu Enables or disables the popup menu of a chart.
grMenuOption Modifies the text of an option in the popup menu of a chart.
grOrientation Modifies the orientation of chart axes.
grOrigin Modifies the start and end marks on one of the chart axes.
GroupAdd Adds a group of contacts into the address book of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging.
GroupDelete Deletes the current group of contacts from the address book of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging.
GroupFirst Reads the first group of contacts found in the address book of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging.
GroupLast Reads the last group of contacts found in the address book of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging.
GroupModify Modifies the current group of contacts in the address book of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging.
GroupNext Reads the group of contacts found after the current group in the address book of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging.
GroupPrevious Reads the group of contacts found before the current group in the address book of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging.
GroupRead Reads a group of contacts found in the address book of a Lotus Notes or Outlook messaging.
GroupReset Reinitializes the Group structure.
grOverlayChart Used to display two different types of charts in the same chart.
grParameter Retrieves or modifies a chart parameter.
grPiePullOut Pulls out a section (or all the sections) in a chart.
grPieStartAngle Indicates the start angle of the first section in a pie chart, semi-circular chart or donut chart.
grPointType Modifies the shape of point for a specific category or value found in a Line, Area, Scatter and Radar chart.
grPrint Prints a chart.
grRaised Used to display a chart with raised effect.
grRotation Turns a Surface chart around one of its axes in order to better view the data.
grSaveBMP Saves a chart that was previously drawn in a file in BMP format.
grSaveEMF Saves a chart that was drawn beforehand in a file in EMF format.
grSaveParameter Saves the parameters of a chart in the format of a compressed string.
grSaveWMF Saves a chart that was drawn beforehand in WMF format.
grScatterAddDataXY Adds a data into a "Scatter" chart.
grScatterGetDataXY Retrieves a data from a "Scatter" chart.
grScatterLinkPoint Links (or not) the points found in a "Scatter" chart.
grScatterPointSize Defines the size of the points found in a "Scatter" chart.
grScatterSeriesColor Initializes the color of a series in a "Scatter" chart.
grScatterSeriesLabel Initializes the label of a data series in a "Scatter" chart.
grSeriesColor Initializes the color of a series or the color of a section.
grSeriesLabel Initializes the label of a data series in a chart.
grSeriesLineType Modifies the type of line for a series found in a Line, Area, Scatter and Radar chart.
grSeriesOpacity Modifies the opacity factor of a series in a chart.
grSeriesPointType Modifies the type of point for a series found in a Line, Area, Scatter and Radar chart.
grSeriesSecondaryAxis Defines whether a series will be drawn on the secondary axis.
grSeriesType Defines the type for a series used in a composite chart (chart containing several types of charts).
grSmoothing Smoothes a Line chart or a Scatter chart by using the "cubic splines" algorithm.
grSourceCategoryLabel Defines the source of the category labels.
grSourceSeries Defines the source of a series.
grStockAddData Adds a data into a stock chart (candlestick, barcharts or minmax).
grStockGetData Retrieves a data from a stock chart (candlestick, barcharts or minmax).
grSunburstAddData Adds a data to a Sunburst chart.
grSunburstGetData Retrieves a numeric value from a Sunburst chart.
grSunburstPullOut Pulls out a section (or all the sections) in Sunburst chart.
grSunburstRootSection Changes or specifies the path of the root in a Sunburst chart.
grSunburstSectionColor Changes the color of a section in a Sunburst chart.
grSunburstStartAngle Specifies the start angle of the first section in a Sunburst chart.
grSurfaceAddData Adds a data into a Surface chart.
grSurfaceAltitudeColor Defines the color used for the altitude (Z axis) of a surface chart.
grSurfaceDeleteAltitudeColor Deletes the altitude colors specified by grSurfaceAltitudeColor.
grSurfaceDeleteMarkCaption Deletes the captions of the marks found in a Surface chart.
grSurfaceGetData Retrieves a data from a Surface chart.
grSurfaceGridlines Displays the gridlines for the different planes of a surface chart.
grSurfaceMarksCaption Allows you to specify the caption of a mark for a Surface chart.
grSurfaceMesh Enables or disables the mesh on a Surface chart.
grTitle Modifies the caption and/or the position of the chart title.
grTitleFont Modifies the font used for the chart title.
grTooltip Displays and formats the tooltip associated with each chart section (section for a pie chart, bar for a column chart, ...).
grType Identifies or modifies the type of a chart.
grWaterfallCategoryType Indicates the category type of a Waterfall chart.
grWaterfallColor Indicates the color for a type of category in a Waterfall chart.
grWndSize Defines the size of the window containing the chart.
grZoom Defines the zoom of a chart.
gToText Deletes the graphic elements from a character string that uses gLink, gImage
HAccelerateSpeed Reorganizes the internal structure of the indexes to optimize the speed for accessing the data.
HActivateAutoFilter Enables an automatic filter on the linked files when browsing an XML file.
HActivateFilter Enables the filter that was previously created for the specified data file (view or query).
HActivateServerTrigger Re-enables a server trigger that was disabled by HDeactivateServerTrigger.
HActivateTrigger Re-enables a trigger that was disabled by HDeactivateTrigger.
HAdd Adds
  • the record found in memory into the data file (query or view)
  • the record found in a Record variable into the data file (query or view).
HAddGroup Adds a group of users.
HAddLink Adds an integrity rule between two files on the server.
HAddScheduledBackup Adds a scheduling for full backup (with or without differential backup) on the server defined by the connection.
HAddScheduledOptimization Adds an optimization task of HFSQL Client/Server data files.
HAddScheduling Creates a scheduled task on a HFSQL server
  • stored procedure,
  • backup,
  • optimization,
  • refresh of a materialized view.
HAddTask Adds a scheduled task on the server defined by the connection.
HAddUser Adds a user to a database.
HAlias Creates a logical alias of a data file (or query) or cancels all the existing aliases.
HAlias_55 HAlias_55 is equivalent to HAlias available in WINDEV 5.5.
HAliasExternal HAliasExternal is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version).
Handle Returns the system "Handle" (HWND) of a WINDEV control or window.
HandleParentNext Forces the parent of the next window to open.
HashCheckFile Checks the Hash of a file for a specific type of algorithm.
HashCheckString Checks the Hash of a character string for a specific type of algorithm.
HashFile Calculates the Hash of a file according to a specific algorithm.
HashString Calculates the Hash of a character string according to a specific algorithm.
Hasp Interrogates an electronic HASP key (HASP-3, HASP-4, MemoHasp or NetHasp).
HaspHLCrypt Encrypts a character string by using the algorithms of the specified Hasp key.
HaspHLInfo Returns information about the electronic Hasp key.
HaspHLLogin Connects the application with a Hasp key.
HaspHLLogout Closes the connection of the application to a Hasp key.
HaspHLRead Reads data (character string or buffer) in the internal memory of the Hasp key.
HaspHLUncrypt Decrypts a character string by using the algorithms of the Hasp key.
HaspHLWrite Writes data (character string or buffer) into the internal memory of the Hasp key.
HAssign HAssign is kept for backward compatibility (it will still be supported in the forthcoming version).
HBackup Saves the content of a HFSQL server: all the databases found on the server, one or more databases, one or more data files.
HBackward Moves backward several records from the current position in the data file, according to a specified item.
hbCreateTable Creates a HBase table or modifies the description of a HBase table.
hbDelete Deletes:
  • one or more cells from a HBase table for one or more columns.
  • a row from a HBase table.
hbDeleteTable Deletes a HBase table.
hbGetTableDescription Retrieves the description of a HBase table.
hbListTable Retrieves the list of tables found on a HBase server.
hbRead Reads the cells (values of items) of a row (record) in a HBase table.
HBuildKeyValue Builds the value of a composite key to implement a filter (HFilter) or to perform a search (HReadSeekFirst, HReadSeekLast, ...).
HBuildKeyValueANSI Regardless of the platform used, the data saved in the HFSQL files is in ANSI format.
hbWrite Writes the cells (values of items) in one or more rows (records) of a HBase table.
HCancelAlias Cancels an alias that was declared beforehand by HAlias.
HCancelBackup Cancels a current backup.
HCancelDeclaration Allows you to
HCancelSeek Cancels the current search criterion.
HChangeConnection Dynamically changes the connection associated with a data file.
HChangeDir Modifies the access path to a data file (which means the directory where the file will be used).
HChangeKey Changes the search key.
HChangeLocation Modifies the search mode of physical data files (.FIC, .NDX, ...).
HChangeLogDir Modifies the location of the log files corresponding to a HFSQL data file.
HChangeName Modifies the physical name of a data file.
HChangePassword Changes the password of a HFSQL Classic or HFSQL Client/Server data file.
HChangeRplDir Modifies the location of the description of the subscriber replica (RPL file).
HCheckIndex Checks whether the data found in the index file (.NDX file) properly refers the data found in the data file (.FIC file).
HCheckServerUpdate Checks where there is a more recent version of the HFSQL server that can be automatically updated.
HCheckStructure Defines the mode for comparing the data files.
HClearWorkingDir Clears and destroys the temporary directory that was created during the execution of HServerWorkingDir.
HClose Closes a data file or all the data files opened by the current user: all the corresponding physical data files are closed for the current user.
HCloseAnalysis Closes the current analysis.
HCloseConnection Closes a connection to a database.
HClusterAddNode Enables a node in a HFSQL cluster.
HClusterDeleteNode Disables a node in a HFSQL cluster.
HClusterIgnoreSynchro Defines a node of the HFSQL cluster as data source to perform the cluster synchronization
HClusterNodeInfo Returns the status of each cluster node by interrogating the coordinator
HClusterParameter Reads and modifies the parameters of a HFSQL cluster.
HClusterStart Starts a HFSQL cluster. This cluster was stopped beforehand (by HClusterStop for example)
HClusterState Returns the status of a HFSQL cluster by interrogating its coordinator
HClusterStop Suspends the execution of a HFSQL cluster. The nodes of the cluster will no longer accept any connection from the client applications
HClusterSynchronizationErrorInfo Returns the error that occurred during the previous synchronization step of HFSQL cluster.
HClusterSynchronizationInfo Returns the progress of synchronization for a node of a HFSQL cluster.
HCompareItem Compares two values by sorting them according to the specified HFSQL index item: all the sort options specified for the item are taken into account (sensitivity to the case, to the punctuation, sort direction, Unicode language, ...).
HConnect Redefines one or more parameters of a connection via a Native Access (Access, SQL Server, MySQL or Oracle) or via an OLEDB access on a specific table or a set of tables.
HConnectionQuality Returns the quality level of the connection: the higher the level is, the faster the connection will be.
HConnectRemoteAccess Opens an analysis in HFSQL Classic format via a remote access (this function is equivalent to the second syntax of HOpenAnalysis).
HConvertX Converts a numeric value into a binary string in order to perform a search on a numeric key.
HCopyFile Copies a HFSQL file (.fic, .ndx and .mmo files if they exist)
  • from the HFSQL server to the server (to perform a backup for example)
  • from the HFSQL server to the client (to perform a local backup for example)
  • from the client to the HFSQL server (to update the files for example)
  • from a HFSQL server to antoher HFSQL server.
HCopyRecord Copies
  • the content of current record (loaded in memory) into the current record of a data file.
  • the content of Record variable into the current record of a data file.
HCopyRecord_55 Copy the current file record into the current record of a file with the same structure
HCreateMasterReplica Creates the description file of a Master Replica (logged replication or universal replication).
HCreateMoveableReplica Creates a movable replication.
HCreateServerTrigger Adds or modifies a server trigger on the HFSQL server.
HCreateSubscriberReplica Creates the description file of a subscriber replica.
HCreateView Creates a HFSQL view
This function is using the former mechanism of views
HCreateView_55 Create a view on a Hyper File file (WINDEV 5.5 format, function kept for backward compatibility).
HCreation Creates an empty data file (".FIC" extension) with the index file and the memo file if necessary.
HCreationIfNotFound Performs the following operations
  • If the file does not exist, creates an empty data file (".FIC" file) with the index file and the memo file if necessary. The function is equivalent to HCreation
  • If the file exists, opens the file.
HCross Crosses a record in a data file.
HCS.FrameSize The HCS.FrameSize variable is used to resize the outgoing data frame.
HCS.Timeout The HCS.Timeout variable is used to modify the connection time-out
  • for the connections established by HOpenConnection
  • for the automatic connection openings.
HDBCreation Ends the description of the structure of an xBase data file by programming.
HDBDescribeField Describes by programming each item of the structure of an xBase file described by HDBDescribeFile.
HDBDescribeFile Describes by programming a file in dBase3 format (most common format).
HDBDescribeIndex Describes by programming the different index files that will be created.
HDBIndex Opens an xBase index file.
HDBOpen Opens the xBase data file and the "memo" file if it exists.
HDBOpenNoLock In single-user mode, opens an xBase data file without locking it.
HDBSortType Returns or modifies the sequence of text items in the xBase files.
HDeactivateAutoFilter Disables an automatic filter on the linked files when browsing an XML file.
HDeactivateFilter Temporarily disables the filter on a data file (view or query).
HDeactivateServerTrigger Disables a HFSQL Client/Server server trigger on a server.
HDeactivateTrigger Disables a trigger.
HDeclare Declares a description of data file (found in an analysis) in the current project.
HDeclareExternal Temporarily imports into the current analysis the description of a file from an existing HFSQL data file.
HDelete Deletes a record from a data file (a query or a view).
HDeleteAll Deletes all the records from a data file, from a HFSQL view or from a query.
HDeleteBackup Deletes a backup that was performed by HBackup.
HDeleteDatabase Deletes a database found on a HFSQL server.
HDeleteDirectory Deletes a directory found in a HFSQL Client/Server database.
HDeleteFile Deletes the HFSQL data files (.fic, .ndx, .ftx and .mmo files if they exist) from the server.
HDeleteGroup Deletes (from the server) a group of users associated with a connection.
HDeleteLink Deletes an integrity rule between two data files on the server.
HDeleteParameter Deletes a parameter that was saved beforehand by HSaveParameter.
HDeleteQuery Deletes a query (used by stored procedures) from a HFSQL server.
HDeleteScheduledBackup Deletes a scheduling for backup from a HFSQL Client/Server server.
HDeleteScheduledOptimization Deletes a scheduled optimization task of HFSQL Client/Server data files.
HDeleteScheduling Deletes a scheduled task found on a HFSQL server
  • stored procedure,
  • backup,
  • optimization,
  • refresh of a materialized view.
HDeleteServerTrigger Destroys a server trigger.
HDeleteSet Deletes a set of stored procedures from a HFSQL server.
HDeleteTask Deletes a scheduled task from a HFSQL Client/Server server.
HDeleteTrigger Destroys a trigger.
HDeleteUser Deletes a user associated with a connection from the sever.
HDeleteView Destroys a view that was created beforehand. This function is using the former mechanism of views
HDescribeConnection Describes a new connection to an external database.
HDescribeFile Describes a data file by programming.
HDescribeFullTextIndex Describes a full-text index of a data file created by programming.
HDescribeItem Describes by programming an item found in a data file.
HDescribeKey HDescribeKey is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version).
HDescribeLink Describes a link between two data files by programming.
HDescribeServerTrigger Adds or modifies a server trigger.
HDescribeTrigger Adds or modifies a trigger on a HFSQL data file.
HDescribeTrigger_55 HDescribeTrigger_55 is equivalent to HDescribeTrigger available in the earlier versions.
hdfsCloseConnection Closes a connection to a Hadoop server.
hdfsCopyFrom Copies a file found on a Hadoop server to the local computer.
hdfsCopyTo Copies a file found on the local computer to a Hadoop server.
hdfsCreateDirectory Creates a directory on a Hadoop server.
hdfsDelete Deletes a file or directory from a Hadoop server.
hdfsList Lists the content of a directory found on a Hadoop server.
hdfsOpenConnection Opens a connection to a Hadoop server.
hdfsRename Renames a file or a directory found on a Hadoop server.
HDisconnectClient Displays a message on the client computers and disconnects the application.
HDuplicateDatabase Duplicates the database associated with a connection on a HFSQL server.
HDuplicateRecord Duplicates the record read in a data file: the record found in memory is added into the data file (the query or the view).
HDuplicates HDuplicates is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version).
HelpFile Returns or modifies the name of the help file used by the context-sensitive help of a window.
HEndLock This function is kept for backward compatibility.
HEndNoDatabaseAccess Re-authorizes the access to one or more databases accessible by a connection.
HEndNoModif Unlocks a file that was locked by the same program with HNoModif.
HError Returns the number of the last error triggered by the HFSQL engine.
HErrorDuplicates Used to find out whether a duplicate error occurred.
HErrorInfo Returns a detailed information about the last error triggered by the HFSQL engine.
HErrorIntegrity Used to find out whether an integrity error occurred.
HErrorLock Used to find out whether a lock error occurred.
HErrorModification During a modification conflict, returns the value of a record item.
HErrorPassword After the execution of a read or write function in a data file, used to find out whether an error caused by a wrong password occurred on this data file
HErrorStatusModification Returns the status of a record during a modification conflict.
HexaToBuffer Converts a string representing bytes in hexadecimal into a binary buffer.
HexaToInt Returns the numeric value of an hexadecimal string.
HExecuteProcedure Runs a stored procedure.
HExecuteQuery Declares a query created in the query editor to the HFSQL engine and runs this query.
HExecuteScheduledBackup Forces the execution of a scheduled backup.
HExecuteScheduling Immediately runs a scheduled task regardless of its schedule
  • stored procedure,
  • backup,
  • optimization,
  • refresh of a materialized view.
HExecuteSQLQuery Initializes a query written in SQL language and declares this query to the HFSQL engine.
HExecuteView Runs a view that was created beforehand (can be used to refresh the data of the view for example). This function is using the former mechanism of views
HExportJSON Exports the records found in a data file (HFSQL or OLEDB), a view or a query into a JSON file.
HExportXML Exports the records found in a data file (HFSQL or OLEDB), a view or a query into an XML file.
HExtractMemo Extracts the content of a binary memo item from a HFSQL file, from a query or from a HFSQL view into a physical file (on disk).
HFileExist Used to find out:
  • whether a file exists, which means whether it was physically created (HCreation or HCreationIfNotFound).
  • whether a view or a query was defined.
HFilter Defines and enables a filter on a data file, a view or a query.
HFilterContains Defines and enables a "Contains" filter on a data file, a view or a query
HFilterIdentical Defines and enables a filter used to find the exact value of a string item.
HFilterIncludedBetween Defines and enables an "Included between" filter on a file, view or query.
HFilterStartsWith Defines and enables a "Start with" filter on a file, view or query.
HFirst Positions on the first record of a data file according to the specified search item.
HFlush Forces the operating system of the computer where the data files are found to write the data onto the disk.
HForward Moves several records forward from the current position in the data file, according to a specified item.
HFound Checks whether the current record corresponds to the current filter or to the current search.
HFree Transforms the crossed records (HCross) into deleted records.
HFreePosition Deletes a position saved by HSavePosition.
HFreeQuery Free the resources of a query (after the call to HExecuteQuery or HExecuteSQLQuery)
HFTListWord Lists the words of the current record that will be taken into account by the full-text indexing.
HGetCurrentPosition Returns the approximate position of the current record in the data file
HHistoryModification Returns the modifications performed on one or more items of a given record. The result can be displayed in a list box or in a table to allow the user to view the modifications made to the specified file.
HImportHF55 Imports a Hyper File 5.5 file into a file in HFSQL Classic format.
HImportJSON Imports a JSON file into a data file in HFSQL Classic format (data file described in the data model editor or declared by HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile).
HImportText Imports a Text file into a data file in HFSQL Classic or Client/Server format (data file described in the data model editor, or declared by HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile).
HImportText_55 HImportText_55 is equivalent to HImportText available with WINDEV 5.5
HImportXLS Imports an XLS file into a data file in HFSQL Classic or Client/Server format (data file described in the data model editor, or declared by HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile).
HImportXML Imports an XML file into a data file in HFSQL Classic or Client/Server format (data file described in the data model editor or declared by HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile).
HIndex Rebuilds the index of a data file (".NDX" file).
HIndex_55 HIndex_55 is equivalent to HIndex available in WINDEV 5.5
HIndexingInProgress Indicates that a reindex operation is currently performed on a HFSQL data file and returns the percentage of reindexing already performed.
HInfoAnalysis Returns information about an analysis (WDD file).
HInfoBackup Returns information about one or more backups performed on a HFSQL Client/Server server.
HInfoDatabaseProperty Used to find out the properties of a database found on a HFSQL server.
HInfoDatabaseRights Allows you to find out the rights granted to a user or to a group on a database.
HInfoFile Returns the characteristics of a HFSQL Classic or Client/Server data file.
HInfoFileProperty Used to find out the properties of a data file found on a HFSQL server.
HInfoFileRights Allows you to find out the rights granted to a user or to a group on a HFSQL Client/Server data file.
HInfoGene HInfoGene is available for backward compatibility only (this function will still be supported in the next version).
HInfoGroup Returns information about the specified group of users.
HInfoItem This function is kept for backward compatibility.
HInfoLock Returns information about the lock performed on a data file, on a record or on all the records found in a data file.
HInfoLog Returns information about the server logs.
HInfoMemo Returns the characteristics of binary and text memos.
HInfoReplica Returns information about the specified replica.
HInfoServer Returns the specified information about the server.
HInfoServerProperty Used to find out the properties of a HFSQL server.
HInfoServerRights Allows you to find out the rights granted to a user or to a group on a server.
HInfoTask Returns the characteristics of a scheduled task in a hScheduledTask variable].
HInfoUser Updates the variables for user management with the information regarding the specified user.
HInfoView Returns information about a materialized view.
HInfoViewRights Allows you to find out the rights granted to a user or to a group on a SQL view or on a materialized view.
HInitHF55 Used to access the functions for managing the xBase (or dBase) data if the Native xBase Access supplied with WINDEV or WEBDEV 14 is not available.
HInitSubscriber Initializes the range of automatic identifiers for the description file of a subscriber replica (".RPL" extension).
HIsLocked HIsLocked is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version).
HiWord Returns the two high bytes of an integer.
HLast Positions on the last record of a data file according to a search item.
HLinkMemo Used to associate a file with a binary memo item or to cancel the existing link between a file and a binary item.
HListAnalysis Returns the list of WINDEV or WEBDEV analyses (in HFSQL Classic format) available in a given directory
HListConnectedUser Lists the users currently connected to one or more files handled by a Client/Server connection.
HListConnection Returns the list of connections currently described in the application.
HListCustomFolder Returns the list of custom-folders (also called groups) defined in the analysis
HListDatabase Lists the Client/Server databases associated with a connection.
HListFile Returns the list of files:
  • found in the current analysis or in a specific analysis recognized by the HFSQL engine. The files defined by HDeclare, HDeclareExternal and HDescribeFile are taken into account.
  • available on a connection via a native access or via an OLEDB driver.
  • for a group of files defined in the data model editor.
HListFullTextIndex Returns the list of full-text indexes for a file (query or view) recognized by the HFSQL engine.
HListGroup Returns the list of groups of users defined for a connection.
HListItem Returns the list of items:
  • found in a data file ( a query or a view) known to the HFSQL engine. The data files defined by HDeclare, HDeclareExternal and HDescribeFile are taken into account.
  • found in a Record variable
HListKey Returns the list of keys found in a file (query or view) recognized by the HFSQL engine.
HListLink Returns the list of links (Merise type) found in the current analysis or in a specific analysis.
HListParameter Returns the list of parameters saved from the stored procedures on the server
HListProvider Returns the list of OLEDB providers and/or the list of Native Accesses installed on the current computer.
HListQueryParameter Returns the list of parameters for a query created in the query editor.
HListREP Returns the list of assignments for the data files handled by the current application, which means the list of physical files corresponding to the files described in the analysis.
HListScheduledBackup Lists the full and differential backups that have been scheduled on a HFSQL Client/Server server.
HListScheduledOptimization Lists the scheduled optimization tasks of the HFSQL Client/Server data files for a connection.
HListScheduling Lists the scheduled tasks defined on a HFSQL server
  • stored procedure,
  • backup,
  • optimization,
  • refresh of a materialized view.
HListServer Lists the HFSQL servers installed on a computer.
HListServerTrigger Lists the different triggers available on a connection or on one of the connection files.
HListStopWord Returns the list of stop words used by a full-text index.
HListStoredElement Returns the list of elements stored on a HFSQL server (sets of procedures, stored procedures or queries).
HListSynonym Returns the list of synonyms used by a full-text index.
HListTask Returns the list of scheduled tasks found on a HFSQL Client/Server server for a given connection.
HListTrigger Returns the list of triggers applied to one or more HFSQL data files.
HListUser Returns the list of users defined for a connection.
HLoadParameter Reads a parameter that was saved from a stored procedure by HSaveParameter.
HLockFile Locks a data file and restricts the access to this data file for all the other sites or applications.
HLockRecNum Locks a record and restricts the access to this record for all the other applications.
HLogInfo Adds comments into the log when saving the logged operation.
HLogRecreate Used to re-create an empty log.
HLogRestart Restarts the log process on a file.
HLogStop Stops the log process of a file.
HManageServerUpdate Used to manage the automatic update of HFSQL Client/Server servers by specifying the check frequency regarding the availability of updates.
HManageTask Enables or disables a scheduled task on a HFSQL Client/Server server.
HMergeView Creates a HFSQL from two views created beforehand (HCreateView). This function is using the former mechanism of views
HMigrateLinkedCompositeKey Migrates the values of the linked composite keys coming from a file in Hyper File 5.5 format to the HFSQL Classic format.
HMode Changes the mode and the method for locking data files.
HModify Modifies the specified record or the record found in memory in the data file (query or view).
HModifyDatabaseProperty Modifies the properties of a database found on a HFSQL server.
HModifyDatabaseRights Modifies the rights granted to a user or to a group for a HFSQL Client/Server database.
HModifyFileProperty Modifies the properties of a HFSQL file found on a server.
HModifyFileRights Modifies the rights granted to a user or to a group on a HFSQL Client/Server data file.
HModifyGroup Modifies the group information according to the elements found in the corresponding variables for group management.
HModifyScheduledBackup Modifies a backup scheduling.
HModifyScheduledOptimization Modifies a scheduled optimization task on the HFSQL server defined by the connection.
HModifyScheduling Modifies a scheduled task on a HFSQL server
  • stored procedure,
  • backup,
  • optimization,
  • refresh of a materialized view.
HModifyServerProperty Modifies the properties of a HFSQL server.
HModifyServerRights Modifies the rights granted to a user or to a group on a HFSQL server.
HModifyStructure Used to update the structure of a HFSQL data file by performing an automatic data modification (also called data synchronization).
HModifyTask Modifies a scheduled task on the HFSQL server defined by the connection.
HModifyUser Modifies the information about a user according to the elements found in the corresponding variables for user management.
HModifyViewRights Modifies the rights granted to a user or to a group on a SQL view or on a materialized view.
HNbRec Returns the number of records in a file, a query or a HFSQL view: active records, crossed records, deleted records, etc.
HNext Positions on the next record of a data file according to a search item.
HNoDatabaseAccess Forbids all the accesses to a database or to all the databases.
HNoModif Forbids all the modifications on a data file (for all the programs, including the one that requested the no-modification policy).
HNotifAddCCRecipient Adds recipients for the notifications sent via the Control Centers (WDBal messaging tool).
HNotifAddEmailRecipient Adds recipients for the notifications sent by email.
HNotifConfigure Specifies and configures the server used to send notifications by the HFSQL server.
HNotifDeleteCCRecipient Deletes the recipients of a notification sent via the Control Centers (WDBal messaging tool).
HNotifDeleteEmailRecipient Deletes the recipients of a notification by email.
HNotifListCCRecipient Returns the list of recipients for a notification sent via the Control Centers (WDBal messaging tool).
HNotifListEmailRecipient Returns the list of recipients for a notification by email.
HOnError Customizes the management of HFSQL errors.
HOnServerCall Customizes the management of message display on the client computer and the management of disconnection from a client computer.
HOpen Opens a data file.
HOpenAnalysis Opens an analysis in HFSQL Classic format.
HOpenConnection Opens a connection to a specific database.
HOperationInProgress Returns the list of automatic operations in progress on a HFSQL server.
HOptimize Used to handle the idle periods of a software (period without processes) to optimize the queries and the browses that will be run thereafter.
HOptimizeQuery Optimizes the Select queries by using idle times when handling an application (period without processes).
HourGlass Transforms the mouse cursor into an hourglass (and conversely) In Android and iOS, displays an endless progress bar in a window
HourglassNetwork Displays or hides an endless progress bar
  • in the status bar of an iOS application
  • in the title bar of windows found in an Android application
HOut Used to find out whether the record on which you want to be positioned is located outside the data file, filter, view or query.
HPass Defines the password used to create or open a data file.
HPost Stores a unique computer number or identifier in order to use the logs and the transactions.
HPrepareQuery Initializes a query and declares this query to the database server in order to optimize the next executions of this query.
HPrepareSQLQuery Initializes a query written in SQL language and declares this query to the database server in order to optimize the next executions of this query.
HPrevious Positions on the previous record found in a file according to a search item.
HPriority Used to find out and modify the priority of the calling application.
HPriorityClient Modifies the priority of a client application.
HRead Reads a record in a file according to a given record number.
HReadFirst Positions on the first record of a file according to a search item.
HReadFirstLock HReadFirstLock is kept for backward compatibility only (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version).
HReadFirstNoLock HReadFirstNoLock is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version).
HReadLast Positions on the last file record according to a search item.
HReadLastLock HReadLastLock is kept for backward compatibility only (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version).
HReadLastNoLock HReadLastNoLock is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be available in the forthcoming version).
HReadLock HReadLock is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version).
HReadNext Positions on the next record of a data file according to a search item.
HReadNextLock HReadNextLock is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version).
HReadNextNoLock HReadNextNoLock is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version).
HReadNoLock HReadNoLock is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version).
HReadPrevious Positions on the previous file record according to a search item.
HReadPreviousLock HReadPreviousLock is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version).
HReadPreviousNoLock HReadPreviousNoLock is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version).
HReadSeek Positions on the first file record whose value for a specific item is greater than or equal to a sought value (generic search).
HReadSeekFirst Positions on the first file record whose value for a specific item is strictly equal to a sought value (exact-match search).
HReadSeekLast Positions on the last file record whose value for a specific item is less than or equal to a sought value (exact-match search).
HReadSeekLock HReadSeekLock is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version).
HReadSeekNoLock HReadSeekNoLock is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version).
HRecNum Returns:
  • the number of the current record in the HFSQL data file.
  • the number of the current record in the HFSQL view.
HReconnect Performs a reconnection to the server for all the interrupted connections. The uninterrupted connections are not modified.
HRecordDate Returns the date and time of the last write operation performed on a record found in a HFSQL file (Classic or Client/Server).
HRecordToJSON Retrieves the structure and value of the current record and exports them into a string in JASON format.
HRecordToXML Retrieves the structure and the value of the current record and exports them into a character string in XML format.
HRecreateSubscriberReplica Re-creates the description file of a subscriber replica (universal replication only) according to the information of the master replica (.RPM and.SYN files).
HRefreshQuery Creates or refreshes a query on a HFSQL server.
HRefreshSet Creates or updates a set of procedures on a HFSQL server.
HRefreshView Asks to recalculate the content of a materialized view.
HRegenerateFile Regenerates a data file from its log
HReset Initializes
  • one or all the variables of the items found in a data file with their default values
  • one or all the items of a Record variable with their default values
HResetClient Initializes the structure for managing the Client computers (HClient structure]).
HResetGroup Initializes the structure for group management (HGroup) with the default values.
HResetUser Initializes the structure for user management (HUser) with the default values.
HRestoreBackup Used to restore
  • an immediate backup (performed by HBackup or via the HFSQL Control Center),
  • a scheduled backup (described by HAddScheduledBackup or via the HFSQL Control Center.
HRestorePosition Restores the context of a file that was saved beforehand (HSavePosition): current record, filter, pointers.
HRetrieveBackup Retrieves locally the content of a compressed backup (in ZIP format) performed on a HFSQL server.
HRetrieveItem Returns the content of an item found in the current record (in the data file, view, query, ...).
HRetrieveLog Creates a text file containing the server logs between two given dates.
HRetrieveRecord Returns the content of the current record (in a file, a view or a query, ...).
HRplDeclareLink Declares a (1, 1) (0, n) link between two tables.
HRplFilterProcedure Defines the WLanguage procedure that will be called whenever a replication operation is performed on a specific file.
HRplManageFile Defines the options used for the universal replication of a file
  • the replication direction
  • the management mode of conflicts.
HRplManageItem Specifies the replication options for an item: the item can be replicated or not.
HRplPass Defines the passwords used to protect the movable replicas for the universal replication.
HRSAddConfig Adds a replication between two HFSQL server onto the master server.
HRSDeleteConfig Deletes a replication between two HFSQL servers.
HRSExecute Immediately runs a recurring replication between HFSQL servers: the replication is triggered before the scheduling.
HRSInfo Allows you to read the configuration of the replication for a HFSQL server taking part in one or more replications.
HRSInit Configures a HFSQL server in order for this server to be a master server or a subscriber server for a replication between HFSQL servers.
HRSListConfig Lists the replications available on a master HFSQL server.
HRSModifyConfig Modifies some parameters of an existing replication between two HFSQL servers.
HSave Modifies the current record if it exists, otherwise adds a new record.
HSaveParameter Saves a persistent value from a stored procedure.
HSavePosition Stores the current file context: current record, filter, pointers.
HSecurity Enables or disables the automatic security mechanism on one or more data files.
HSeek Positions on the first record of the data file whose value for a specific item is greater than or equal to a sought value (generic search by default).
HSeekFirst Positions on the first file record whose value for a specific item is greater than or equal to a sought value.
HSeekLast Positions on the last file record whose value for a specific item is less than or equal to a sought value.
HSendMessageToClient Displays a message on the client computers.
HServerMaintenance Checks and optimizes the system tables of a HFSQL server.
HServerStatus Allows you to find out the status of a HFSQL server (this function uses the MantaManager service).
HServerWorkingDir Returns the path of a temporary directory on the HFSQL server.
HSetCache Used to configure the management of caches in the HFSQL Client/Server engine.
HSetDuplicates Enables or disables the management of duplicates on a unique key.
HSetIntegrity Enables or disables the management of an integrity constraint on a file link.
HSetLog Enables or disables the management of log for a logged file.
HSetMemo Used to modify the management mode of memo items.
HSetPosition Positions on a record from the approximate position of one of its items.
HSetRemoteAccess Temporarily disables the remote access in order to access HFSQL Classic data files found locally.
HSetREP Enables or disables the management of .REP file.
HSetReplication Temporarily disables (or re-enables) the replication.
HSetServer Used to find out and modify some settings of the HFSQL Client/Server server.
HSetTransaction Enables or disables the management of transactions for one or more files.
HSetTrigger Enables or disables the management of triggers.
HSimulateNetwork Simulates the operating mode of HFSQL Client/Server on an ADSL or 3G network.
HSL Creates a color from its hue, saturation and lightness.
HSortView Sorts a HFSQL view by creating an index on a view item. This function is using the former mechanism of views
HStartLock This function is available for backward compatibility (this function will still be available in the forthcoming version).
HStartServer Allows you to start a HFSQL server (this function is using the MantaManager service).
HStartServerUpdate Used to immediately start the automatic server update.
HStatCalculate Performs various statistical calculations on the keys of a data file.
HStatDate Returns the date of the last update for the index statistics.
HState Used to find out the status of a record.
HStatNbDuplicates Returns the number of duplicates for a given key item.
HStatNbRec Returns the number of entries for a given key item.
HStatNbRecRange Returns an estimate regarding the number of entries for a given key item in a given interval of values.
HStatTime Returns the time of the last update for the index statistics.
HStopServer Stops a HFSQL server.
HSubstDir Associates the data directory specified in the analysis with a directory found on disk.
HSubstName HSubstName is kept for backward compatibility (this function will still be supported in the forthcoming version).
HSynchronizeReplica Synchronizes the master replica and the subscriber replica: the operations performed on one of the replicas are transferred into the other replica.
HTMLClassAdd Adds a class into the HTML classes of a control.
HTMLClassDelete Deletes a class from the HTML classes of a control.
HTMLClassToggle Toggles a class in the HTML classes of a control: if the class does not exist, it is added ; if the class already exists, it is deleted.
HTMLNavigate Starts a navigation operation in an HTML control.
HTMLToRGB Converts the HTML color into RGB color.
HTMLToRTF Converts an HTML string or an HTML buffer into a string in RTF format.
HTMLToText Converts an HTML string or an HTML buffer into text string.
HToFile Copies a data source (file, query, view, ...) to a physical HFSQL file with the same description. This file is neither encrypted nor password protected.
HToItem Assigns the specified value to an item of the current record.
HTrack Starts tracking the write actions (addition, modification or deletion) performed on a file found on a HFSQL server.
HTrackStop Stops tracking a data file on a HFSQL server.
HTransactionCancel If a transaction is in progress, cancels all the operations performed on the data files in transaction since the start of transaction.
HTransactionEnd Validates the current transaction
  • the modifications performed on the data file since the beginning of transaction (HTransactionStart) are validated
  • the transaction file is deleted (if the transaction is the last transaction in progress for a network application)
  • the records locked in read-only by the transaction are unlocked.
HTransactionFree Transforms all the records "in transaction" into "Normal" records if these records do not belong to a transaction currently in progress.
HTransactionInterrupted Used to find out whether a transaction was interrupted (the transaction was neither validated nor canceled).
HTransactionIsolation Configures the isolation mode of transactions for a connection to a HFSQL server.
HTransactionList Returns the list of current or interrupted transactions found on the server for the specified connection.
HTransactionStart Starts a transaction on the data files (HFSQL or accessed via Native Access) and creates the file of transactions.
HTTPAddFile Adds a file into the HTTP form.
HTTPAddParameter Adds a parameter into an HTTP form.
HTTPCancelForm Cancels the declaration of an HTTP form and frees all its resources.
HTTPCertificate Modifies the client certificate used by default to identify oneself on a server.
HTTPCookieGet Retrieves the cookies read by a call
HTTPCookieManage Enables or disables the management of cookies in an HTTP request run
HTTPCookieRead Returns the value of a cookie received further to an HTTP request.
HTTPCookieReplace Replaces all the cookies stored for a domain
HTTPCookieReset Deletes all the cookies (globally or for a domain) stored
HTTPCookieWrite Adds or modifies a cookie in an HTTP request.
HTTPCreateForm Creates an HTTP form.
HTTPDestination Indicates the backup file for the result of next HTTP request, run in the same thread.
HTTPGetResult Retrieves the result or the header of last HTTP request run.
HTTPListCertificate Lists the client certificates found on the computer to authenticate on a server.
HTTPParameter Allows you to configure the functions that use the HTTP protocol
HTTPProgressBar Displays a progress bar when
  • receiving the response to an HTTP request.
  • sending an HTTP form (HTTPSendForm) or an HTTP query.
HTTPRequest Starts an HTTP request on a server.
HTTPResetForm Clears an HTTP form that is currently edited.
HTTPSend Sends an HTTP request and waits for the response from the HTTP server.
HTTPSendForm Sends an HTTP form.
HTTPSimulateNetwork Simulates a slow network by limiting the download and upload speed.
HTTPTimeOut Defines the time-out for the WLanguage functions that use the HTTP protocol (HTTPRequest, SOAPExecute, DotNetExecute, J2EEExecute, ...).
HUnlockFile Unlocks the records of a data file:
  • locked by HLockFile
  • individually locked by a locking read function.
HUnlockRecNum Unlocks a record that was locked by
  • HLockRecNum,
  • a read function used with a locking parameter (HRead associated with the hLockWrite or hLockReadWrite constant for example).
HUpdateView Creates or updates the description of a SQL view or materialized view from the analysis to a HFSQL server.
HVersion Used to find out:
  • whether the content of a file was modified
  • whether the content of a file used by a query was modified.
HViewToFile Saves the modifications performed in a HFSQL view (by HModify, HDelete or HCross) in the corresponding data file. This function is using the former mechanism of views
HViewToTable HViewToTable is kept for backward compatibility.
HWrite Writes a record into a data file without updating the indexes corresponding to all the keys used in the file.
iAddBookmark Adds a bookmark into the print preview or during the export in PDF.
iBorder Prints a border at specified coordinates.
iCalendarToAppointment Lists the appointments described in a character string in iCalendar format.
iCalendarToOrganizer Imports data in iCalendar format into an Organizer control.
iCalendarToScheduler Imports data in iCalendar format into a Calendar control.
iChangeSubReportSource Modifies by programming the report associated with a sub-report in a composite report.
iCloseReport Stops printing the current report immediately.
iColumnEnd Forces a column break in a multi-column report.
iColumnNum Returns the number of the current column in a multi-column report.
iConfigure Configures the printer for a print performed in WLanguage:
  • by opening the configuration window
  • by modifying the printer used for the current print
iConfigureReport Configures the printer by opening the configuration window (WINDEV and WINDEV Mobile).
IconInstall Creates an icon (associated with a program) in a group of Windows programs, with the associated command line.
Iconize Minimizes a WINDEV window.
iCreateFont Creates a new print font.
iCurrentFile Returns the name of the file currently generated.
IdentifierAWPContext Returns the identifier of the AWP context.
iDestination Configures the destination of the print.
iDidotFont Selects the unit that will be used for the height of the fonts (created by iCreateFont): DIDOT point or PICA point.
iDirImageHTML Used to select the directory in which the images must be generated during a print in HTML format
iDocumentCanceled Used to find out whether the current print was canceled by the user.
iDocumentPrinted Allows you to find out whether the user has requested to print the document from the print preview.
iEllipse Prints an ellipse (in a rectangle).
iEndPrinting Signals the end of the document to print and actually starts printing the data stored in the printer spooler via the following functions: iPrint, iPrintImage, iNewLine, etc.
iEndReport Forces the report print to stop.
iEscape Sends an ESCAPE command or a data command to a printer.
iFont Selects the default font.
iForceComplement Forces the printing of a Body Complement block.
iGroupAdd Adds a report to a group of reports.
iGroupConfigure Modifies the parameters of a report found in a group of reports
iGroupPrint Starts printing a report found in a group of reports.
iHLine Prints an horizontal line at specified coordinates.
iHPos iHPos is kept for backward compatibility.
iImageHeight Calculates the height of the image to print (in millimeters).
iImageWidth Calculates the width of the image to print (in millimeters).
iInfoPrinter Retrieves the characteristics of the current or default printer.
iInitReportQuery Initializes the query linked to the report (for a query with parameters).
iInitReportQueryConnection Initializes the query linked to the report.
iInitSubReport Initializes the parameters of a sub-report of a composite report.
iLastFile Returns
  • the full name of the last file generated during the print (PDF, RTF, text, ...).
  • the list of created duplicate files
iLine Prints a line at specified coordinates.
iLink Adds a link to a URL address into the HTML page currently printed.
iListNestedReports Returns
  • the list of nested reports currently printed (reports run by iPrintReport in one of the processes of the report currently printed)
  • the list of sequenced reports currently printed (iSequenceAdd).
iListPrinter Returns the list of printers installed on the current computer.
ImageArea Returns the number of the image area clicked by the Web user.
ImageFirst Displays the first image for the scroll.
ImageInfoClose Closes the image file (in JPEG or TIFF format) used by ImageInfoValue and/or ImageInfoList and frees the image from memory.
ImageInfoList Returns the list of Exif tags available for the image used.
ImageInfoModify Modifies the value of an Exif tag for the image used.
ImageInfoSave Saves the modifications performed on the Exif tags of an image by ImageInfoModify.
ImageInfoValue Returns the value of an Exif tag for the image used.
ImageLast Displays the last image for the scroll.
ImageNext Displays the next image for the scroll
ImageOccurrence Returns the total number of images taken into account by the scroll.
ImagePrevious Displays the previous image of scrolling.
ImageScrollingPosition Returns the image displayed.
ImageStartScrolling Starts the automatic scroll of images.
ImageStopScrolling Stops the automatic scroll of images.
ImageXPos Returns the horizontal position (X) of the mouse cursor in relation to the specified Image control.
ImageYPos Returns the vertical position (Y) of the mouse cursor in relation to the specified Image control .
iMargin Defines the "logical" print margins.
iMMToPica Converts the coordinates of a point (expressed in millimeters) into system coordinates.
In64bitMode Indicates whether the code is run in 64-bit mode or not.
InAJAXMode Specifies whether the code is run from:
InAndroidEmulatorMode Indicates whether the code is run in the Android emulator
InAndroidMode Indicates whether the code is run in Android mode.
InAndroidSimulatorMode Indicates whether the code is run in the Android simulator.
inAppConsumeProduct Used to consume, in an application, a product that was previously purchased by the user.
InAppleWatchEmulatorMode Indicates whether the code is run in the Apple Watch emulator.
InAppleWatchMode Indicates whether the code currently run is in Apple Watch mode.
InAppleWatchSimulatorMode Indicates whether the code is run in the Apple Watch simulator.
inAppListProductInfo Retrieves, from the store, information about the "In-App" products associated with the application.
inAppListPurchase Returns the list of application products purchased by the user and not consumed.
inAppPurchaseProduct Sends a request for purchasing an "In-App" product associated with the application.
inAppRestorePurchases Restores the purchases previously performed by the user in an iOS application.
InAutomaticTestMode Used to find out whether an automatic test is currently run or not.
InAWPMode Used to find out whether the page currently run is an AWP page.
InComponentMode Indicates whether the code is run:
  • from a WINDEV application, a WEBDEV site or a PHP page.
  • from a component.
InDelayedProcedureMode Indicates whether the code is run from a delayed procedure or from a scheduled task on the WEBDEV application server.
iNestedHeaderFooter Prints (or not) the page headers and footers of the nested report.
iNewLine Prints a line (in Windows standard, with a rounded end) at specified coordinates.
InFactoryMode Indicates whether the code is run by an action plan of the software factory
Info Displays a custom message in a system information window.
InfoBuild Displays a custom message in a system information window.
InfoWithTimeout Displays an information message inside a system info box for a specified amount of time
IniOSEmulatorMode Indicates whether the code is run in the iOS emulator (iPhone, iPad).
IniOSMode Indicates whether the code currently run is in iOS mode (iPhone, iPad).
IniOSSimulatorMode Indicates whether the code is run in the iOS simulator (iPhone, iPad).
INIRead Reads the content of a INI file (or the content of a file structured like a.INI file).
InitialValue ..InitialValue is used to find out and/or modify an initial value.
InitParameter Initializes the management of persistent values.
InitRandom Initializes the generator of random numbers.
InitWindow Initializes (or not) the controls to zero and runs the initialization processes of controls and window.
INIWrite Writes a specific value into a INI file (or into a file structured like an .INI file).
InJavaMode Indicates whether the code is run in Java.
InLinuxMode Indicates whether the code is run in Linux mode or not
InPHPMode Indicates whether the code is run in PHP.
InPHPSimulatorMode Indicates whether the code is run in PHP simulator mode.
InPocketMode Indicates whether the code is run:
  • from a WINDEV Mobile application.
  • from a standard WINDEV application, from a WEBDEV site or from a PHP application
Function kept for backward compatibility.
InPocketSimulatorMode Indicates whether the code is run in the Pocket simulator.
InPrelaunchedSessionMode Used to find out whether the site is started in "pre-launched session" mode of WEBDEV.
Input Displays a message allowing the user to type an information.
InputCursor Modifies the standard rollover cursor for all the edit controls of the application.
InReportsAndQueriesMode Indicates whether the code is run during the test of a report or query in Reports & Queries.
Insert Inserts an element at a given position
  • into a one-dimensional WLanguage array
  • into an associative array
  • into an advanced array property (array of gglCalendar events, ...)
  • into a WLanguage list.
InsertColumn Inserts a column at a given position into an advanced two-dimensional array property (xlsDocument, …).
InsertLine Inserts a row at a given position
  • into a two-dimensional WLanguage array.
  • into an advanced two-dimensional array property (xlsDocument, ...)
InServiceMode Indicates whether the code is run in a service.
InSimulatorMode Used to find out whether the application is started in "simulator test mode" from WINDEV Mobile.
Instance Returns the "system handle" (HINSTANCE) of the current program.
InStoredProcedureMode Indicates whether the code is run on a HFSQL server.
IntegerPart Returns the integer part of a number.
IntegerToDate Transforms an integer into a date in YYYYMMDD format.
IntegerToDay Returns the day of the week corresponding to the specified date (this date is an integer).
IntegerToDayInAlpha Spells out the day of the week corresponding to the specified date (this date is an integer).
IntegerToMonthInAlpha Returns and spells out the month corresponding to the specified date (this date is an integer).
IntegerToTime Transforms an integer into a time in HHMMSSCC format.
IntegerToWeekNumber Returns the week number in the year corresponding to the specified date (this date is an integer).
InternetConnected Defines whether an Internet connection is enabled on the current computer. In mobile, you can also be notified when the status of the Internet connection changes
InTestMode Indicates whether the application or the site is started:
  • from the WINDEV or WEBDEV editor,
  • from the executable or the browser.
  • from the WEBDEVadministrator.
InTSEMode Indicates whether the code is run
  • from a computer in TSE mode or from a remote desktop
  • from a computer directly.
IntToHexa Returns the hexadecimal string of a numeric value.
InUMCMode Indicates whether the code is run from a code written in a user macro-code.
InUniversalWindowsAppMode Indicates whether the code is run in Universal Windows 10 App mode.
InUniversalWindowsAppSimulatorMode Indicates whether the code is run in the simulator for the applications in Universal Windows 10 App mode.
InUniversalWindowsPlatformMode Indicates whether the code is run in Universal Windows Platform mode (Universal Windows 10 App).
Function kept for backward compatibility.
InUniversalWindowsPlatformSimulatorMode Indicates whether the code is run in the simulator for the applications in Universal Windows Platform mode (Universal Windows 10 App).
Function kept for backward compatibility.
InVGAMode Indicates whether the application is run in VGA mode on a mobile device.
InWebMode Indicates whether the current process is run:
  • from a WINDEV executable.
  • from the WEBDEV runtime engine (AWP).
InWebserviceMode Used to find out whether the execution is in progress in the AWWS engine.
InWidgetMode Indicates whether the code is run in Android Widget mode.
InWindowsMobileMode Indicates whether the code is run:
  • from a Windows Mobile application.
  • from a standard WINDEV application, from a WEBDEV site or from a PHP application
InWindowsMode Indicates whether the code is run in Windows mode or not
InWindowsPhoneEmulatorMode Indicates whether the test is run via the Windows Phone emulator.
Function kept for backward compatibility.
InWindowsPhoneMode Indicates whether the code is run in Windows Phone mode.
Function kept for backward compatibility.
InWindowsPhoneSimulatorMode Indicates whether the code is run in the Windows Phone simulator.
Function kept for backward compatibility.
InWindowsStoreAppMode Indicates whether the code is run in Windows Store apps mode Function kept for backward compatibility.
InWindowsStoreAppSimulatorMode Indicates whether the code is run in the simulator for the applications in Windows Store apps mode Function kept for backward compatibility.
InWinRTMode Indicates whether the code is run in WinRT mode (Windows Store apps) Function kept for backward compatibility.
InWinRTSimulatorMode Indicates whether the code is run in the WinRT simulator (simulator for the applications in Windows Store apps mode) Function kept for backward compatibility.
iOSExcludeFileFromiCloud Excludes a file from the backup in the Apple cloud
iPageEnd Forces the move to the next page during the report print.
iPageHeight Calculates the height of the printable page (in millimeters) while taking the top or bottom margins into account.
iPageHeightLeft Calculates the available height (in millimeters) left on the current page while taking into account the defined margins (top or bottom).
iPageNum Returns or initializes the number of the page currently printed.
iPageWidth Calculates the width (in millimeters) of the printable page while taking the left or right margins into account.
iParameter Retrieves the configuration of the printer and configures the print.
iParameterDuplicate Configures the automatic creation of the duplicate copy generated during the next print.
iParameterExport Used to configure the exports performed from the print preview
  • parameters for sending the emails
  • parameters for creating the different files.
iParameterPDF Defines the options for the generated PDF file.
iParameterPreview Configures the print preview
  • display a message regarding the resources of current computer
  • display (or not) each button found in the print preview.
iParameterReport Configures the printer by opening the configuration window.
iParameterWatermark Adds a watermark into a report (report created in the report editor or printed report)
iParameterXLS Defines the options for the XLS file generated during the print.
iPicaToMM Converts the coordinates of a point (expressed in system coordinates) into millimeters.
iPreview Configures the print destination.
iPrint Sends the character string passed in parameter to the print buffer.
iPrintBarCode Prints a bar code (inside a rectangle).
iPrintBlock Forces a report block to print.
iPrintBodyComplement Forces a body complement block to print while specifying the height of the complement block.
iPrintDoc Prints a document in "docx" format.
iPrintDuplicate Prints a duplicate copy of a report.
iPrintImage Sends the image file to print to the print buffer.
iPrintingNation Modifies the current language for the next print (programmed print or report print).
iPrintPDF Prints the content of a PDF file from an iPhone/iPad or Android application.
iPrintReport Prints a report created with the report editor.
iPrintSignature Prints a signature in a rectangular area. This signature will be used to sign the generated PDF files or the duplicates
iPrintWord Sends the character string passed in parameter to the print "buffer".
iPrintZone Prints a text in a rectangular area.
iPrintZoneHTML Pritns a text in HTML format in a rectangular area
iPrintZoneRTF Prints a text in RTF format in a rectangular area.
iReportPrintingStatus Returns the status of the current print.
iReset Re-initializes the print settings (margins, font, paper format, orientation, ...) stored in the print library.
iResetNbPages Reinitializes the current number of pages, used in the preset controls such as "Number of pages" and "Page number and number of pages".
iRoundBorder Prints a border with rounded outlines at specified coordinates.
iSelectFont Creates a new print font from the standard window for font selection...
iSequencingAdd Adds a report into a sequence of report prints.
iSequencingAddDoc Adds a print of Word Processing document into a sequence of report prints.
iSequencingPrint Prints a sequence of reports
IsEven Identifies an even number.
iSkipLine Forces one or more line break.
iSkipPage Generates a page break: the corresponding code is sent to the printer queue.
IsNumeric Enables you to find out whether a variable or a control is
  • a numeric (integer, real, currency or numeric).
  • a string that can be converted into numeric.
IsOdd Identifies an odd number.
iSubstBlock Substitutes a report block for another block while the report is printed.
iTextHeight Calculates the height of the font for the text to print (en millimeters).
iTextWidth Calculates the width (in millimeters) of the text to print, according to the specified font.
iTransparentMagenta Modifies the management mode of the Magenta color in order for this color to be considered as transparent (or not) in all the forthcoming printouts.
iVLine Prints a vertical line at specified coordinates.
iVPos iVPos is kept for backward compatibility.
iWindowCancel Configures the display of the window used to cancel the current print...
IWListAdd Adds a new internal window to the list of internal windows browsed by an Internal Window control.
IWListCount Returns the number of internal windows currently found in the list of internal windows browsed by an Internal Window control.
IWListDelete Deletes an internal window found in the list of internal windows browsed by an Internal Window control.
IWListDeleteAll Deletes all the internal windows from the list of internal windows browsed by an Internal Window control
IWListDisplay Refreshes the display of an "Internal window" control with automatic browse on a data file or query
IWListInsert Inserts a new internal window in the list of internal windows used by an Internal Window control.
IWListNext Displays the next internal window in the list of internal windows browsed by an Internal Window control.
IWListPosition Displays the internal window corresponding to the specified position (in the list of internal windows browsed by an Internal Window control) or returns the position of the internal window currently displayed (in the list of internal windows browsed by an Internal Window control).
IWListPrevious Displays the previous internal window in the list of internal windows browsed by an Internal Window control.
iXPos Used to manage the horizontal position (X coordinate) of print cursor in the page.
iYPos Used to manage the vertical position (Y coordinate) of print cursor in the page.
iZoneHeight Calculates the necessary height of a fixed-width area in order for the entire text using the current font to be printed in this area.