WINDEV Concepts

Part 1: Main concepts 19 Windows in practice The purpose of a window is to display, present or allow users to enter information. This information can come from data files in an analysis, external files, queries, etc. There are multiple options to create the windows of a project in WINDEV: • Create a blank window with the wizard. • Build all the windows of the application from the analysis description. • Create a window from the analysis description (with or without code). • Create standard windows. • Create windows based on a template, etc. Regardless of the method used, the window can be modified once it has been created: you can add, modify or delete controls and change the characteristics of the window. For more details on how to manipulate controls in a window, see "Controls in practice", page 38. This chapter presents the following topics: • "Creating a window", page 19. • "Simple operations on a window from the editor", page 20. • Main characteristics of a window. • Window and image. • Opening a popup window. • Dim disabled windows. • Internal window. • Window templates. • Events associated with windows. • Menus. • The status bar. 1 Creating a window WINDEV allows you to create several types of windows: • Blank windows, without controls. • Windows created via the RAD methodology. • Internal windows. These windows can be used in "Internal Window" controls. • Windows based on a window template. • Windows imported from a non-WINDEV application. This paragraph explains how to create blank windows, internal windows or windows based on a template. For more details, see the online help. 1.1 Creating blank windows To create a blank window : 1. Click in the quick access buttons. The new element window appears: click "Window" then "Window". The window creation wizard starts. 2. Choose the "Blank" type. 3. Select the window skin template. 4. Validate the window creation. A blank window is created in the editor. The save window appears automatically. 5. Specify the window title and name. The window corresponds to a ".WDW" file. By default, this file will be created in the main project directory. This name will be used to handle the window. 6. Validate the window. 7. Create the controls in the window. Remark : The main characteristics of the windows are available in the online help. The different types of controls are presented in Controls in practice. 1.2 Internal window An internal window is a window without title bar or status bar that will be directly included in the other windows of your application via the "Internal window" control. This allows you to include a window (and its code) in another window. To create an internal window : 1. Click in the quick access buttons. The new element window appears: click "Window" then "Window". The window creation wizard starts. 2. Select the "Internal window" tab. 3. Select the type of window and the associated skin template. 4. Validate. The save window appears automatically.