WINDEV Concepts

20 Part 1: Main concepts 1.3 Window based on a template WINDEV also allows you to create a window based on a window template. In this case, simply select the desired window template. The window templates contain the graphic elements and code common to all the windows in the application. To create a window based on a window template : 1. Click in the quick access buttons. The new element window appears: click "Window" then "Window". The window creation wizard starts. 2. Select the "Based on a template" tab. 3. Select the desired template and the associated skin template. 4. Validate. The save window appears automatically. Changes made to a window template are automatically applied to all the windows that use the template. Window templates allow you to keep the style book defined for an application. 2 Simple operations on a window from the editor The window editor allows you to perform the following actions on the windows: • Open a window in the editor: All you have to do is double-click the window name in the "Project explorer" pane. • Resize a window. • Save and copy a window. • Import and export a window. • Change the tab order. For more details, see the online help. 3 Main characteristics of a window 3.1 Characteristics A window can include all types of controls. A window can: • be resizable : the end user will be able to change the window size. Depending on the anchors defined for each control, the position of the controls can change when the window is resized (see Controls in practice). • include a background image : this image is displayed in the window background and the controls will be positioned over the image. You can also define the resize options via the 9-slice scaling mode. For more details, see Window and image. • be clipped : the window will have custom shapes (window shaped like a circle, a computer, etc.). For more details, see Clipped window. • include a drop-down menu : this menu allows users to quickly access the main functionalities of the application. To create a drop-down menu in a window, go to the "Window" tab, "Bars and menus" group, expand "Main menu" and select "Add main menu". The first option appears in the window. The options can be manipulated via the context menu. Then, the menu options can be handled programmatically. For more details, see The menus. • include a status bar : the status bar will display the help message associated with the different controls in the window. This bar can also be used to display additional information. For more details, see The status bar. • be multilingual : all the languages defined for the window will be available for all its controls. A window can be associated with more languages than the project (windows shared between several projects for example). For more details, see Multilingual applications.