WINDEV Concepts

Part 1: Main concepts 21 • be automatically dimmed when it becomes inaccessible. This feature is called DDW, which stands for Dim Disabled Windows. For more details, see Dim disabled windows. • allow drag and drop . For more details, see the online help. • allow end users to change the UI . For more details, see the online help. Remark : To force an action on a window, simply set a Button control of this window to "Automatic execution" mode. For more details, see Controls in practice. 3.2 Description window The description window includes several tabs that group all the characteristics that can be configured for the window. Remark : You can also view and/or change the characteristics of a window in the modifier. For more details, see the online help. 3.3 Displaying the characteristics To open the description window: • double-click the window background. • select "Description" in the context menu of the window. • select the window and press Alt + Enter. 3.4 Characteristics by tab This section presents the different categories of the characteristics displayed by each tab. For more details on the options available in each tab, see the online help. General tab The "General" tab allows you to specify the window name and title. UI tab The "UI" tab allows you to define the parameters of the window interface: • visibility of the window, • position of the window, • right click, mouse cursor, • association with a context menu, etc. Details tab The "Details" tab allows you to define the different window settings: • type of window • UI modification by end user, • animation, • automatic closing.